Member activity

RT @AatosVerkko: Havainnollistus; tuollainen pinta-ala suoluontoa päätettiin lanata sileäksi, lorottaa humus vesistöihin ja polttaa varasto…
RT @SamCowie84: Breaking: Brazil president elect's son leaves whatsapp group when questioned about financial irregularities…
RT @graceblakeley: I’m very much enjoying liberals ignoring the fact that 100 companies are responsible for 70% of emissions and cheerleadi…
RT @theintercept: Jeremy Hammond helped expose how the American Petroleum Institute hired the private intelligence firm @Stratfor to spy on…
RT @WolfieChristl: What Google, FB and 'adtech' firms still call 'advertising', has morphed into something else. …as described in this ind…
RT @APC_News: Myanmar Digital Rights Film Screening, organised by @myanmarido and @EngageMedia - Get ready for a #digitalrightsMM event for…
RT @Info_Activism: A Map That Tracks Everything - Blockchain-based mapping hopes to replace GPS. Can it be trusted?
RT @SannaRaitaaho: Turkkia puhuva protestoija Ranskassa huutaa Turkin valtion kanavan toimittajalle: "Kotimaassanne ette kuvaa mitään prote…
RT @raju: The Case for Letting Malibu Burn. Revisited.
RT @Info_Activism: Zuckerberg must end far right's fundraising on Facebook
RT @fchollet: Spacesheet is a spreadsheet-like explorer for latent vector spaces. Fascinating way to look at it
RT @raju: How a chilling Saudi cyberwar ensnared Jamal #Khashoggi
RT @theintercept: Donald Trump is so vain he really thinks the protests in Paris are about him.
RT @vgr: 3. Hollywood collapses from making too many AI risk movies leading to rioting angry population deprived of real entertainment 2.…
Trigger warning: police violence - - - - - - - - -
RT @socioambiental: As #MudançasClimáticas estão devastando o sustento e os sonhos dos brasileiros. Leonardo, de Itajaí (SC), produtor de o…
RT @pixelatedboat: I’ve finally hit the big time!
RT @By2020WeRiseUp: While extreme weather events wreak havoc across the globe, politicians and corporations perpetuate business as usual at…
RT @OliverStuenkel: Inside China's audacious global propaganda campaign
RT @schwarz: Goodbye to John Kelly, a hard right bully who was perfectly in sync with Trump's lies and cruelty. From last year: https://t.c…
RT @Info_Activism: An Eye-Scanning Lie Detector Is Forging a Dystopian Future
RT @TuomasKurttila: Natsit marssivat lippuineen. Lukioissa kokeillaan historian valinnaisuutta, nuorilla ei välttämättä kurssiakaan, sivuak…
RT @RistoNevanlinna: Havaijinalbatrossi Wisdom, iältään ainakin 68 vuotta ja maailman vanhin tunnettu luonnonvarainen lintu, on taas pesimä…
RT @DLBiller: Questioned by reporters, Brazil's Bolsonaro says he may have erred by not declaring to tax authorities a 40K-reais ($10K) loa…
RT @SSoimakallio: Tästä avain hillintään? Ilmastotehokas teknologia sitten siihen avuksi.