Member activity

RT @ambrowoll: Tässä tyypillinen tapaus, kuinka #migri, kuten myös HaO, tekee #irak'ilaisille #tphakijat'lle virheellisiä kielteisiä #turva…
RT @SoVeryFinnish: When the lake's a bit chillier than you expect - (via
RT @socioambiental: Saiu no @nytimes: a epidemia do garimpo ilegal é a pior da história. O estudo é da Raisg e @InfoAmazonia, e mapeia a re…
RT @Info_Activism: Delete All Your Apps - It's not just Facebook: Android and iOS’s App Stores have incentivized an app economy where free…
RT @biret: Striimivinkki: Paneelikeskustelu alkuperäiskansojen tiedosta, hallinnasta ja laeista Lapin yliopistossa keskiviikkona 12.12. #sa…
El equipo argentino de @masmujeresux_ar es interdisciplinario y lleno de energía! No hay miedo de hablar de género…
Elementos de la comunidad chilena: programa de mentorías, reuniones mensuales y un directorio online de disen̂ador…
Las mujeres en UX no somos visibles entonces necesitamos un espacio exclusivo para empoderarnos. @marianazo @sepi_…
RT @curiouswavefn: Richard Rhodes has written a first-rate book about the history of energy transitions, full of fascinating, underapprecia…
RT @wamandajd: I’m baaaack! 🧐 Monopoly Man returns to Congress to troll the CEO of the biggest Monopoly in the world: Google. WATCH LIVE…
RT @WWF_LAC: #COP24 El Cerrado es la sabana con la biodiversidad más amplia del planeta y ocupa el 25% del territorio de Brasil. Este ecosi…
RT @Ericamarat: Every single researcher/expert of Central Asia, read this now:
RT @TIME: ⚡️ “TIME Person of the Year 2018: The Guardians”
RT @ciminacional: “O único ministério com condições de gerir a Funai é o da Justiça” - Na quinta (6), a @ApibOficial entregou uma carta com…
RT @ParkerMolloy: Starting to think that maybe it wasn't a great idea to put our government in the hands of America's racist grandpas https…
RT @alfonslopeztena: Proving white-collar crimes is an exceedingly difficult task for prosecutors. Trump is doing his best to make it easie…
RT @O_Tiainen: "Suomen maankamarassa piilee 1000 vuoden tuotantoa vastaava puhtaan energian varasto" Ja jotkut sanovat, että meillä ei ol…
RT @AnandWrites: 3.5 dozen people now own as much as 3.5 billion people. And many of them probably call themselves philanthropists. https:/…
RT @marynmck: All over the world, on continents with different tick species, people are reporting that tick bites create a sudden allergy t…
RT @textcultures: "Digitally recording the 40 million fossils at the Smithsonian will take an estimated 50 years. But five years into the p…
RT @johanneskoski: Miksi en yleensä jaa heti uutisia tietyistä rikoksista: - aiheesta kerrotaan jo useiden uutislähteiden ja somekanavien…
RT @Cecillia: UPP completa 10 anos com 60 PMs mortos em áreas 'pacificadas'. 387 policiais foram feridos trabalhando nas UPPs; 66 policiais…
RT @UOLNoticias: Coronel que participou de Massacre do Carandiru chefiará presídios em SP