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Noilla liköörimäärillä tuotantoteho nousuun.
RT @svuorikoski: "Herättää hämmästystä, miten vähän Suomen hallitusta on kiinnostanut puolustaa Jauhiaisen oikeuksia" Kaapatusta Dubain pri…
@Mikkoli Mites toi kärsimysjalanjälki?
RT @haymarketbooks: “I wanted to express my rejection of his lies, his occupation of my country, my rejection of his killing my people.“ ht…
RT @rashadrobinson: Every Black parent thinks about the safety of their child whenever they leave the house -- this is where community, sch…
RT @hrw: “To many, it seemed like the government was officially saying ‘it is fine to beat up your wife.’” Read about what happened when Ru…
RT @proindio: Mineradoras e ruralistas se unem para afrouxar regras de licenciamento ambiental
RT @OliverStuenkel: Can a grand jury indict a sitting president for a criminal act? It's unlikely. via @TheEconomist
RT @FaiMujer: The Enduring Relevance of Paulo Freire’s Pedagogy of the Oppressed
RT @SenSanders: "You say you love your children above all else, yet you are stealing their futures right before their very eyes," - This 15…
RT @EeroGrundstrom: 🌸🐶 Kukalla oli paljon hammasvaivoja ja kävi ilmi että kiille oli ilmeisesti lähtenyt häkin pureskelun takia. Myöskin yk…
RT @knappB: FBI Secretly Collected Data on Aaron Swartz Earlier Than We Thought—in a Case Involving Al Qaeda via @g…
RT @ryangrim: The border patrol systematically destroys water supplies for people walking in the desert, so that they will die or turn back…
Brazil: In his recent speech, distributed via FB, Bolsonaro defended the reduction (!) of indigenous reserves and m…
RT @domphillips: 'A child is killed daily': saving lives in Brazil's deadliest city for adolescents | Global development | The Guardian htt…
RT @Untitledbodies: Thank you @KoneenSaatio for funding 'Living With Ticks'
collaborative project with Laura Beloff, we are thrilled and lo…
RT @theintercept: “When you see that we’re taxing those with low income, but it’s all tax breaks for the rich, this is not acceptable.” htt…
He Helped Build an Artists’ Utopia. Now He Faces Trial for 36 Deaths There. via @nytimes
RT @maailmanet: Joukko suomalaisia kansalaisjärjestöjä vaatii, että Suomi nostaa koulutuksen kehityspolitiikkansa kärkiteemaksi. "Suomea pi…
RT @1981annozero: Do you know what would be a cool hacking campaign? To silently correct news headlines.
US Border Patrol killed a child.…
RT @AnandWrites: This holiday season, as many oligarchs write charity checks and get to put their name on buildings, here's a simple idea:…
RT @DogSolutions: BLockchains are over. NEW accept eveywhere, decetrilize solution: Dog
RT @leif_hagert: Dialogit tällaisissa tilanteissa ovat todella epäreiluja. Toinen mahdollisesti esittää vain omaa nokkeluuttaan ja sananikk…
RT @ninalakhani: US Border 2018: Let's not forget Claudia Gómez, a 20-year-old indigenous Guatemalan woman with hopes and dreams, shot dead…
RT @haaretzcom: Diplomatic cables published by WikiLeaks reveal the U.S. administration moved aggressively to curb Israel Ziv's activities…
RT @alicebiruta: o dominio da milícia está se alastrando rastro de pólvora mas o problema pra galera que vai governar o país é imigrante e…
RT @giphz: piscou nao viu
RT @AMAZlNGNATURE: Caption this..😂