Member activity

Brazil: The civil action against the new minister Alves' NGO ATINI demands "compensation to the Karitiana indigenou…
RT @AnarcoFino: Para quem não conhece a Damares, a nossa futura ministra dos Direitos Humanos
RT @Siemenpuu: Mitä #Katowice'sta jäi käteen? #Sääntökirja kursittiin kasaan viime tingassa; Brasilia otti panttivangin; Järkytys #IPCC:n…
RT @biret: The Guardian: ”Miss USA apologizes for mocking rivals' English-speaking skills. Sarah Rose Summers admits she disrespected Cambo…
RT @1981annozero: The real meaning of power is demonstrated through an "I don't even care" type of attitude, such as this post. How cruel c…
RT @msantoro1978: Denúncias contra família Bolsonaro revelam padrão de corrupção típico do baixo clero do legislativo brasileiro. Esquemas…
RT @alfonslopeztena: 71% of Republicans said in 2007 it is “extremely important” for presidential candidates to be honest. Now it’s just 49…
RT @classiclib3ral: "Putting more CO2 in our atmosphere is no problem because Venus has a lot more CO2 than us and Venus is fine" is easily…
RT @KnuuttilaS: .@AhoHannaMH: "Meidän on saatava omat päästömme nieluja pienemmiksi vuoteen 2030 mennessä, jotta pääsemme 1,5 asteen polull…
RT @psskow: Jakelin Caal Maquin was Q'eqchí, from Alta Verapaz. Q'eqchí women I spoke w/ for this article in Petén said land grabbing has f…
‘The Endless’ Is Masterful Low-Budget Sci-Fi – WIRED | WIRED
Friends, a bright 25sqm room in 2-room apartment near Rosenthalerplatz in Berlin Mitte will be available for rent f…
RT @satuhassi: #COP24 #ilmasto’neuvotteluissa hiertää edelleen ns markkinamekanismi, eli millä säännöillä voi ostaa päästövähennyksiä toise…
RT @netzpolitik: 1st @republica in Africa was a blast. More than 2000 attendees came to Ghana to debate the rising digital society. 274 spo…
RT @alfonslopeztena: Scientists have discovered a two-foot-long new salamander species in Florida and Alabama that has the spots of a leopa…
RT @theintercept: If Dragonfly proceeds, “there is a real risk that Google would directly assist the Chinese government in arresting or imp…
RT @GugaNoblat: Em 2007, Flavio Bolsonaro defendia as milícias e pretendia legaliza-las. Sem mais
RT @tomphillipsin: Grim images coming out of Nicaragua via @PiruloAr show armed police occupying the Managua newsroom of @confidencial_ni h…
RT @DLBiller: Great Saturday read from @londonoe about the violence spilling over into Paraguay from Brazil.
RT @OttoBruun: If in doubt [on markets] leave it out. Brazil forces rights and environmental integrity out of the #COP24 compromise proposa…
RT @stopkarkoitus: Today in #Helsinki: Demonstrators protested deportations to #Afghanistan, asking #Finland to respect international law a…
@TJoke Toi kipinäsuihku erittäin toimiva visuaalinen motiivi, jonka ympärille koko tunnari leikataan.
@TJoke Kuvittelisin San Francisco Fleet Yards -tunnarin vähän samantyyppiseksi kuin Hill Street Bluesin jostain syy…
RT @billmckibben: Indigenous groups in Seattle area not happy that Chase Bank is extending new line of credit for Keystone pipeline. You ca…
RT @ReclaimAnglesea: Global warming should be called global heating, says key scientist The Paris pact was a firewall, he said. “It’s not…
RT @Protohedgehog: Incredible. These are 99 million-year-old dinosaur feathers, so exquisitely preserved in amber that even traces of their…
RT @Maria_Tejero: Qué momentazo. Un cámara capta el desencuentro entre Juncker y May. Está tan bien que parece una película…