Member activity

RT @Alyssa_Milano: If this doesn’t hurt your heart, check your pulse. There are 15,000 Migrant Children Now Held At Nearly Full Shelters!…
RT @BlogdoNoblat: Ex-assessor de Flávio Bolsonaro, que movimentou R$ 1,2 milhão, tem dois apartamentos no Rio em seu nome…
RT @fpcoliveira: O vereador é o ZEZINHO DA BOATE, do honestíssimo PSL. Todo mundo anticorrupção, mas desde as eleições não param de pipocar…
RT @tutamAW: Now that it has snowed again in Helsinki and the traffic dept. has issued a warning of dangerous road conditions, it's worth r…
RT @ciminacional: “A homologação da Terra Indígena Raposa Serra do Sol é um direito originário e constitucional dos povos indígenas de Rora…
RT @begroe: Today I'm launching – a tool to automatically remove the background of any image (with a person in it)…
RT @EFF: "California shouldn’t keep DNA from hundreds of thousands of innocent people," @sfc_opinions writes in support of EFF, @C_G_S, and…
RT @hirvasjanne: Jäämeren rata on vain läpikulkurata öljylle, mineraaleille ja kaasulle. Sen tarkoituksena ei ole lisätä Lapin elinvoimaisu…
Tää olis luultavasti vielä parempi, jos Väyrynen olis tekeytyny Kekkoseksi.
RT @CanteZuyaWin: My coworker’s mother, a forced native adoption/assimilation survivor here in the US, sharing her story with our native st…
RT @yleuutiset: Yle Budapestissa: Orbánin viime uudistukset olivat liikaa – unkarilaiset lähtivät kaduille laajalla rintamalla…
RT @Ocasio2018: This blows my mind: House Ethics Rules prevent me from receiving a $100 gift card, or crashing at a place as I wait for ren…
RT @ninalakhani: Imelda Cortez: INNOCENT. She will go home today after 17 months cruel detention. For once, justice is served in El Salvado…
He is speaking on behalf of the inhabitants of the planned-to-be-occupied area without a slightest mandate and with…
He repeatedly mentions about the compensations to indigenous peoples for the planned de facto invasion to soften hi…
Brazil: Bolsonaro intent to invade an already homologated indigenous territory Raposa Serra do Sol in order to expl…
RT @igornatusch: Se isso se confirmar, estaremos abrindo caminho para um potencial genocídio. Nada menos que isso.
RT @glaubermacario: A deputada defensora do Escola Sem Partido que pediu para alunos filmarem professores nas salas de aula teve suas conta…
RT @TJoke: Mitä mä oon sanonut. Ei tarvitse enää tästä asiasta vääntää. #martat
RT @TheInterceptBr: O ministro do Meio Ambiente de Bolsonaro, Ricardo de Aquino Salles, é acusado pelo Ministério Público de São Paulo de t…
RT @Lexialex: The lies hardly stop there, Maurice said. The entire film is allegedly “inspired by a true friendship” between Shirley and Va…
RT @ciminacional: Na semana passada, o TRF-3 decidiu manter o despejo determinado pela Justiça Federal, e a PF avisou os indígenas que se o…
RT @alfonslopeztena: Russian efforts to interfere in the 2016 presidential election included targeting African-Americans across all major s…
RT @culturaonlinebr: NÃO MEXAM COM A FAMIGLIA! Moro demitirá presidente do Coaf, órgão que revelou escâdalos dos assessores dos Bolsonaro O…
RT @LauraHuu: #Instagram was bigger #Russian election tool than #Facebook: There were 187 million interactions with Instagram content, comp…
RT @MSQsto: Perussuomalaiset: Kun aika ja avaruuskaan eivät rajoita.
RT @TravisMannon: An American citizen was forced to leave her job at a Texas public school after refusing to sign an oath that says she wil…
RT @CodingRights: #RadarLegislativo: Convocada para amanhã, 18/12, sessão do Congresso Nacional para análise dos vetos presidenciais. Dentr…