Member activity

RT @AnandWrites: I would like to expand the Overton Window here. Who is going to bring Zuckerberg and Sandberg to justice, prosecuting them…
RT @Vinncent: Brazil's net migration flows are outward, but Bolsonaro is talking about no-go zones in France and the dangers of Islam like…
RT @ciminacional: No Maranhão, indígenas estão sendo retirados do seu território tradicional em medida de reintegração de posse que favorec…
If you are using a free email or messaging service, it’s safe to assume you’re messages are not kept private
Suomen poliisin “Iranin shaahi” “HEVI” panssariauto-säätö voi vaikuttaa hieman oudolle nyt, mutta osoittaa mielestä…
RT @jpjmarti: ”But scale and centralization seem conducive — if not necessary — to achieving rapid energy transitions.”…
Ihan oikeasti, mutta ei ihan oikeasti oikeasti aikuisen oikeasti oikeasti
RT @nytimes: Exclusive: Internal Facebook records show that the company gave Microsoft, Amazon, Netflix and other tech giants far more intr…
RT @mikkoaarne: Kun olin lapsi, meillä oli vain yksi pysyvä jouluperinne. Jossain vaiheessa faija sanoi: ”Joulu on peruutettu! Joosef tunnu…
RT @biret: GOVPH: Miss Universe Catriona Gray dons intellectual property-protected T’nalak cloth on world stage #indigenous…
RT @NoMoreDeaths: TODAY!!!! Please take 5 minutes out of your day and let the US Attorney’s Office know that humanitarian aid is never a…
RT @tuomo_h: Aiheesta nuoren tutkijan #hankehumppa: väitöskirjatyön alusta tähän päivään hakemani (7.15m€) ja myönnetty (143k€) ulkopuoline…
RT @trevortimm: Facebook's playbook ripped directly from the NSA: —Redefine words until they hold no meaning —Pretend there was no "abuse"…
RT @davidgura: "The social network permitted Amazon to obtain users' names and contact information through their friends, and it let Yahoo…
RT @AnandWrites: NY blasts the "Trump Foundation functioning as little more than a checkbook to serve Mr. Trump’s business and political in…
RT @pixelatedboat: We all should’ve seen this coming
RT @emilytgreen: Two underage Honduran teenagers who came w migrant caravans were assassinated in Tijuana outside the shelter for minors. T…
RT @ninalakhani: Honduras alert: two elderly indigenous Tolupan leaders, Sergio Ávila and Porfirio Córdova from San Francisco Locomapa in Y…
RT @RobertMaguire_: Best trick shot in the history of billiards
RT @FaiMujer: We Defend Northern #Syria and #Rojava Because We Defend a World Without Fascism and Patriarchy. #TwitterKurds #Kurdistan #Ant…
RT @christibelcourt: The Hereditary Chiefs have spoken. No pipelines on their lands. Period. I stand with #Unistoten
RT @eletrorganico: RT @policiafederal Nossos papiloscopistas são preparados p fazer alterações na foto d 1 procurado,aumentando a chance de…
RT @FavelaELugadPaz: Calor de 70°🌡🌞 gruas em Bangu derreteu a caixa d'água de uma moradora 😱😱😰🌋🌅♨️ #Rio40° #Purgatorio #Bangu #CurtaANoss…
RT @elgranjuego: Excellent reporting on how the Burmese government is "rebuilding" Northern Arakan after the ethnic cleansing of the #Rohin…
The Revenant | "A World Unseen" Documentary | 20th Century FOX via @YouTube
RT @profscontraoesp: Lançando uma luz sobre uma das grandes falsas polêmicas inventadas pelo Escola Sem Partido
RT @vhautaka: Blah. In Finland it was visible immediately - well-known racists/fascists first started branding themselves as "nationalists"…
RT @joaofellet: Escrevi sobre as sofisticadas estratégias de missionários para evangelizar índios na Amazônia - que incluem vivências na ré…
RT @elpais_brasil: "A sociedade queria punir e dar um recado aos políticos", diz o presidente da CUT sobre a eleição de Bolsonaro https://t…