Member activity

RT @bellingcat: In our investigations into the Skripal poisoners, we forgot to thank Margo and her crew at RT for doing this interview with…
RT @oliverdarcy: This story on the @FresnoBee is worth your time. It shows how Trump's war on the press has trickled down to local news. Th…
RT @katarhinoceros: *pask* *pier* ähähähähä
RT @bruceecurb: In other, other news today, an earlier Supreme Court decision overturned a salary freeze for civil servants, a decision tha…
RT @blogdosakamoto: Tô começando a ficar preocupado pelo Queiroz.
RT @alfonslopeztena: You can buy a black man for $400 Slavery is thriving in Libya, where thousands of black Africans hoping to get to Eur…
RT @bruceecurb: In other news, Flavio Bolsonaro's driver did not turn up to testify as to why R$1.2m passed through his bank account https:…
RT @helikontio: Thai Lese Majeste law cases no. x. A youtube star faces charges for criticizing a dress designed by Thai king's daughter. h…
RT @alfonslopeztena: A devastating new investigation over Trump
RT @TapioLaakso: Pelastakaa Lapset tekee koko ajan enemmän työtä verkossa, koska lapsilla on oikeudet myös digitaalisessa ympäristössä. Kys…
RT @alfonslopeztena: South African prosecutors have issued an arrest warrant for Zimbabwe's ex-first lady, Grace Mugabe, for allegedly beat…
RT @astroehlein: Now, let's check twitter to see who's upset that the FT made George Soros their "Person of the Year"... Neo-nazis, the…
RT @bopinion: "The Trump Foundation raised more than $2.8 million that it used for the 2016 election," writes @TimOBrien. Trump was not s…
RT @jussi_aumo: Göteborgin sukupuolentutkimuksen laitoksen toimistolla eilen epäilty pommi. Voi olla feikki ja pelkkää kiusantekoakin, mutt…
RT @House_Feminist: are we supposed to just accept that gingerbread men live in houses built from the flesh of their fellow men
RT @aldatweets: #ecoapartheid in the Amazon — even the weaker parts of the state on the run
RT @TimMuth: Court Rules Trump Policies Denying Asylum Protections to People Fleeing Domestic and Gang Violence Are Illegal…
Ihan mietin näin, että kuinka eettistä mahtaa olla eliöiden nimeäminen vihattujen hahmojen mukaan? Aiheuttaakohan s…
RT @ARautiainen: Kommentti: Uusi paljastus Facebookin tietojenvaihdosta on kylmäävä
RT @Info_Activism: How Hackers Bypass Gmail 2FA at Scale - A new Amnesty International report goes into some of the technical details aroun…
@SalmisenJaska Kuvittelisin πbopin kuulostavan jokseenkin tältä:
RT @AlexeyTsykarev: #EMRIP is planning to engage with the theme of repatriation of indigenous peoples' cultural items and sacred objects on…
RT @bruceecurb: Lula could be home for Christmas
ARP 2500 Modular Synthesizer Model 2502 Extremely RARE ! | Reverb
RT @evgenymorozov: The new and revised Infinite Monkey Theorem states that a monkey hitting random keyboard keys for an infinite amount of…
RT @ARautiainen: Rajat kiinni -jäämistön järjestämä 12 hengen "keltaliivimielenosoitus" on kyllä lopullinen todiste siitä, että vuoden 2015…
RT @SamCowie84: Brazil environmental police Ibama flee Amazon city for safety reasons following operation to shut down illegal sawmills in…
RT @domphillips: So 29 percent of the new doctors supposed to replace outgoing Cubans in the Mais Medicos programme have not turned up to w…