Member activity
RT @Cecillia: Como a vingança pela morte de um PM terminou com a execução de 2 pessoas e 300 casas incendiadas em uma favela de Curitiba ht…
RT @TRF_Stories: The Kawahiva are one of the world's last remaining "uncontacted" tribes, who have no peaceful contact with the outside wor…
RT @paavoarhinmaki: Suomen Palloliitto ja muut pohjoismaiden liitot eivät näe ongelmaa leireillä Qatarissa.
Myöskään FIFA ei näe ongelmaa…
RT @carapanarana: Só os memes dão conta de projeto de imbecilização e histeria que se instaurou sobre o Brasil.
RT @OVastapaino: Opetamme lapsillemme, mitä on hyvä elämä, mutta menemme pahasti metsään, sanoo kasvatustieteen professori…
RT @mlota_azola: Dear mosquito.... We know biting us is your job But is singing really necessary? 💔
RT @TobyStHill: Quick summary of recent days in Nicaragua: govt has forcibly closed 9 NGOs. Seized the offices of a leading newspaper. Kick…
RT @Guay_JG: This is huge. The E.U. just effectively ended new coal build by 2019 by slapping an EPS on capacity payments. Without subsidi…
RT @LeenaMajamaki: Tuhansien järvien maan kauppakalasta 82 % tuodaan ulkomailta – Niin, mitä jos tänä jouluna syötäiskin graavisärkeä? #läh…
RT @rahmstorf: Retweet if you agree: Everyone who cares about our future should follow a few climate scientists on twitter to get first-han…
RT @tuulikamppila: En ole joutunut kohtaamaan transfobiaa henkilökohtaisesti vähään aikaan.
Asia kuitenkin muuttui heti kun ilmoitin edusk…
@NurmiSimo @Dimmu141 pysäkki no go zone
RT @rubyhamad: “he won Germany’s Reporter of the Year for his story about a young Syrian boy..praised for its “lightness, poetry and releva…
RT @_ThreeArrows: Damn, what a class act.
Classical liberal Dave Rubin appears on far-right pro-Bolsonaro YT-Channel Brasil Paralelo to h…
RT @NayukaGorrie: Know the function, the very serious function of racism, which is distraction. It keeps you from doing your work. It keeps…
@Ga_raimundi @dw_brasil "a França nesse momento é um campo de guerra"
RT @1981annozero: Ué, os Bolsominions não estavam sumidos? Ok, agora que saíram dos esgotos por causa da soltura fake do Lula, gostaria que…
Happy holidays
RT @Survival: Come and work for us! We are looking for a Communications Assistant who is fluent in Brazilian Portuguese and English, who is…
RT @liandersson: Kahdeksan eduskuntapuoluetta sopi tänään yhteisistä ilmastopoliittisista linjauksista. Hyvää: selkeä tavoite rajoittaa läm…
RT @Dimmu141: 🤔
RT @guardian: Violating our privacy is in Facebook's DNA | Siva Vaidhyanathan
RT @Info_Activism: Consultancy call - illustrator needed for our Exposing the Invisible project. Deadline 7 Jan
A short review of last month's Story Data Exchange workshop >>>
@vanessalarrosa @brumelianebrum
RT @jumbo747pilot: It is being reported, although unconfirmed, that there may be at least 4 #drones operating in an organised pattern to de…
RT @exitingcorpse: ahahahahhahajahaja