Member activity

RT @rahmstorf: The end of an era. Massive subsidies have delayed the end of coal for too long.
RT @KaijaLansman: Vuosi sitten ajeltiin Inarijärvellä täyttä päätä, nyt sinne ei ole vielä mitään asiaa. Kasarilla jäätä vain sentti tai pa…
RT @SlenderSherbet: There's only four days left until Christmas if you haven't cleaned your bat yet.
RT @hirvasjanne: Kepukytköksisen nuorisosäätion luvuista puuttuu 50 miljoonaa.
RT @Survival: "Some little President thinks he can hide behind his weapons. He is not going to scare us" #EleNão
RT @FrankPasquale: Critiques of surveillance, ranking, & rating can often just lead to more surveillance, as advocates of metrics seek more…
RT @Info_Activism: Artwork Interrogating the Ethics of Technology Pulled from China’s Guangzhou Triennial
RT @OliverStuenkel: O Brasil de Bolsonaro oferece a Maduro um conveniente inimigo externo
RT @BBC_Future: The BigGan #technology can recognise and reproduce images of #cars and #buses, but doesn’t quite understand how they fit to…
RT @UutisiaLM: Nuorisosäätiöltä kateissa 50 miljoonaa euroa – "Jokaisessa sopimuksessa piilee täydellisiä yllätyksiä"…
RT @ojala_annika: “Puhumme kuitenkin ihmisryhmästä, joka on käytännössä ollut kriminalisoitu vielä runsas 40 vuotta sitten, eli poliisien t…
RT @SSoimakallio: Kuinka kunnianhimoinen on EU-komission hiilineutraaliustavoite 2050? 1,5 asteen tavoitteen saavuttamiseksi EU:n pitäisi o…
RT @41Strange: Pagan costumes worn at winter celebrations in Europe ( Photos: Charles Fréger)
RT @keatxngrant: have y’all ever seen a full rainbow before ??? retweet for good luck
RT @Amia_Cat: "Risks of 'domino effect' of tipping points greater than thought", "We are NOT on a trajectory to keep our ecosystem in a fun…
RT @scihub_love: The latest Sci-Hub working domain(Last check time:2018-12-22 01:13:02) Retweet to your friends,hel…
RT @joonaslinkola: "The #shutdown is an appropriate end to a period of unified Republican rule of the White House and both chambers of Cong…
RT @BuzzFeedNews: 🚨 It's official: The US government has partially shut down because Congress couldn’t reach an agreement on Trump's demand…
RT @hrw: LGBT people in Russia suffer stigma, harassment, and violence. Read how the "gay propaganda" law made things worse for LGBT youth…
RT @SimonMaloy: family noticed something about these Christmas candies right side up: snowman upside down: Edgar Allen Poe…
RT @inlandDesign: Kun haen Suomen kansalaisuutta, pitääkö minun suorittaa kansalaisuustesti? Is there a citizenship test that I need to pas…
RT @Todellineneinop: Joku (ehkä @oula_silver tai @Dimmu141) voisi analyseerata tätä. Välillä on kummallista, kun suomalaisnatipnalisteilla…
Chirley Pankará, a member (Bancada Ativista) of a Legislative Assembly of São Paulo state and from Pankará indigeno…
RT @LotteLeicht1: “Women will never keep quiet again” "You are going to feel this ‘women power’" A new wave of female politicians and pro…
RT @b9AcE: A website was opened by YPG, YPJ and SDF listing heroes that gave their lives for N Syria and Rojava Revolution. YPG's statement…
RT @folha: Herdeiros de Chico Mendes apostam em floresta plantada para o futuro no Acre
RT @mollycrabapple: Noted imperialist war monger Noam Chomsky says the US should stay in Syria
RT @ExitGarden: @SamuelPerroni @EusouOqueEuSou @AnarcoFino @g1