Member activity

RT @alfonslopeztena: Top 10 countries with the most GDP From 1960 to 2017
RT @Dimmu141: Ennen sudet olivat aitoja susia. Nyt jotain soijapentuja.
RT @debbiebookchin: These are the faces of women and men who live in northeastern #Syria -- #Rojava Kobani, Qamishli, Jinwar. They are the…
RT @th1an1: Video shows what happens when a French cop pulled his gun on #YellowVest protesters in #Paris today. People in #resistance. #Gi…
RT @sensacionalista: PF divulga possíveis disfarces de Queiroz
RT @arnkil: "Siihen aikaan oli tapana joulun alla kutsua lapset ruokapöytään katkaisemalla laajakaistan reitittimestä virrat." (Etelä-Suom…
RT @niksibotti: Hukkuiko sormikkaalta pari? Saat tukevan ja nätin telineen nostamalla sen kukkien suojaruukun sisälle. Keskipakoisvoima sen…
My sweets Joel Holmes released his soulful jazzy hip-hop album today. Let's support! Merry Xmas everyone.
RT @luizguiprado: Bolsonaro desqualifica a imprensa e faz do Twitter um canal oficial de informação, aí chega lá e: - bloqueia jornalista…
RT @BrazilianReport: The Brazilian #cinema industry is structured around a state-run agency that could have its autonomy tampered with by t…
RT @profscontraoesp: Isso mostra bem a hipocrisia q baseia o nosso conservadorismo-liberal LOL BR hue. Defendem o Escola Sem Partido porque…
RT @tutamAW: What's with the blocking of anthropologists @haujournal ?
RT @ninalakhani: Nicaragua: another newspaper raided, closed and its editor accused of terrorism by the repressive Ortega regime which is u…
RT @raju: Very mixed feelings about this fact
RT @NayaraFelizardo: - @jairbolsonaro, dá uma entrevista aqui pra imprensa, por favor. - Imprensa é fake news. Só falo através do Twitter,…
RT @EsaMakinen: Liu Cixin on huikean hyvä tieteiskirjailija. Nyt suomeksi julkaistu Kolmen kappaleen ongelma kannattaa lukea, ja sen jatko-…
RT @blogdosakamoto: Continuo preocupado pelo Queiroz... Advogado afirma que ele foi internado para procedimento com anestesia. https://t.…
RT @ASmallFiction: "So the red nose will help you see ahead?" the elf said. "Yes," Santa said. "What if you need to go in reverse?" "Hm.…
RT @OfficialJonZal: So the MAGA morons who were duped into believing Mexico would pay for Trump's wall are now cheering for him to shut dow…
resuable assets, code libraries, design systems (the list goes on…) replaces what I call ‘archetypal design’ with w…
RT @CoCthulhu: Mars Express beams back images of ice-filled Korolev crater: via @guardianscience…