Member activity
RT @Sortamo: Myös suomalaisten laitteita päätyy melkein varmasti purettaviksi Länsi-Afrikan myrkyllisille romupihoille. Selvitettiin romun…
RT @landley: @davidgraeber A new high water mark in #bullshitjobs
RT @Mekut_Mallet: Erdogan regime jets targetted civilian homes in three villages near Qandil mountains last night 22-12-2018.
No casualties…
What's this Musk's fixation with claustrophobic tunnels about?
RT @msantoro1978: Governo brasileiro lança cartilha sobre normas internacionais de proteção à liberdade de imprensa e jornalistas. Autorida…
RT @outilansman: Täällä Saamenmaassa on erinäisiä asiota, jotka on tehtävä ennen aattoa, jotta staalo ei syö hengiltä.
Saamelaisten joulu…
RT @LeSuvita: Eilen vietettiin kansainvälistä seksityöntekijöihin kohdistuvan väkivallan vastaista päivää. Artikkelini "Huora, äiti vai kan…
RT @AntifaFinland: #JesseTorniainen tuomittiin 50 päivän ehdottomaan vankeuteen vuonna 2015 tapahtuneesta pahoinpitelystä #Ilves–#HIFK-jalk…
RT @tofunpurija: Muutaman vuoden takainen juttu. Joka vuosi ajankohtainen.
RT @CNN: “We must hold the older generations accountable for the mess they have created...and say to them you cannot continue risking our f…
RT @BeingFarhad: "Before the app I almost never got calls to pick up recyclables or trash." #FBR #TFB #F4F (Collec…
RT @JFCrisp: Here we go again...
RT @wrkclasshistory: #OtD 23 Dec 2013 after an unfavourable review with a mgr a Citibank worker downed 90% of the bank's networks. He said…
RT @BeingFarhad: These women became solar technicians to bring light to their village. #FBR #TFB #F4F (Collected f…
RT @nerdyatty: @tomtomorrow Nothing drives home the mechanical cruelty of an algorithm like Facebook deciding I should relive that time my…
RT @efarsas: Que astronauta, o que? Meu pai é quem deveria ser o ministro da Ciência e Tecnologia :)
RT @bopanc: Thread about the #SpiegelGate scandal around the former @DerSPIEGEL star reporter and laureate of top journalism prizes who was…
RT @TheInterceptBr: .@JairBolsonaro e seu vice não querem que você saiba que a ditadura deixou o país aos frangalhos, com dívida externa e…
RT @DartmouthCommon: Wonder how many other "errors" went undetected. This one only got detected because of pro-forest (anti-clear cut) acti…
RT @GOGLINJF: A #drone just delivered #vaccines at the Vanuatu via @evankirstel
#drones #UAV #IoT #innovation #disruption #Tr…
RT @felp85: Não sabia de nada: ✅
Não devo explicações: ✅
O povo me absolveu nas urnas: ✅
RT @ajplus: In this Canadian town, indigenous people and local fisherman have joined forces to stop a mill that's polluting their waters. h…
RT @SSoimakallio: .@Tiilikainen, @satuhassi ja minun ajatuksia metsien käyttöön liittyen tässä @suomenmaa tasapainoisessa jutussa, joka ei…
RT @Survival: Tell @WWF you support the Baka people of Congo Basin, who are being kicked off the land they rely on for survival to make way…
Most liked photos on IG 2018
RT @AartZuidema: An Australian Reindeer.
RT @SlenderSherbet: A story in four acts.
RT @parismartineau: Amazon owns IMBDb, GoodReads, Twitch, Audible, a 10,000 Year Clock made of a mountain, a truck that dispenses raw steak…
RT @suldaansaid: Avasin kirjeen, joka tuli syyttäjänvirastosta.
Rikoksesta epäiltynä allekirjoittanut.
Asianomistajana äärioikeistolainen…
RT @nytimes: Think Pluto is far away? This new world is more than 3 times as far out. Thus, the discoverers call it Farout.…