Member activity

RT @BrazilBrian: The 2nd key Colombian witness in Odebrecht scandal to show up dead
RT @cyclite: Kaupunkifillari-blogin kirjoittaja huomasi, että @oodihelsinki pyörätelineet lähtevät kuusiokoloavaimella irti. Helsingin kaup…
RT @evgenymorozov: Tired: “If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?" Wired: “If fake news is pu…
RT @Reuters: Scandal involving Brazil president-elect's son clouds inauguration
RT @AstaViertola: Hirvee lössi Odineita tuli just vastaan Myrtsissä. Vantaa alkoi just tuntua turvattomammalta 😞
RT @SAaltoMatturi: Miksi kaupunki haluaa Lapinlahden sairaalan tyhjäksi jo nyt vaikka tuleva ideakilpailu vie vuosia? Tyhjänä kiinteistö tu…
RT @evgenymorozov: The “digital economy”: Step 1: imagine algorithmic ghostwriters “writing” texts “read” by algorithmic ghostreaders. It…
RT @demori: Sou um homem de negócios compro e vendo coisas que esqueci o nome.
RT @veitera: Kommunistisen puolueen johtaman Kiinan viranomaiset ovat suitsimassa kovin ottein nuorten marxistien toimintaa työläisten oloj…
RT @proindio: Forty-six civil society organizations have vowed to oppose any “hateful rhetoric and acts of violence, intimidation or persec…
RT @ProfMarkMaslin: #LifeOnEarth is dominate by plants making up 82% by weight. The total weight of mammals is made of of 30% humans, 66% o…
RT @TheInterceptBr: Paulo Guedes, em vias de se tornar o mais poderoso ministro à frente da economia desde o fim da ditadura militar, possu…
RT @ajplus: Meet the indigenous community running its own internet.
RT @daveregrets: 1970: “Delaying climate action will make it more difficult and expensive” 1980: “Waiting will make it worse” 1990: “No, se…
RT @perkelix: Vuosi sitten puhelin alkoi soimaan lehdistön yhteydenotoilla. Laatimani #kansalaisaloite oli viikossa kerännyt vaaditut 50,0…
RT @emirsader: Bruno Boghossian: Para Bolsonaros, explicação vazia de Queiroz é pior do que silêncio
RT @hirvasjanne: Jokainen muu lehti: Dragon Mining perseilee suomalaisten kustannuksella. Lapin kansa: "Dragon Miningin kaivosluvat kunnoss…
This is an oddly common refrain among people who were involved in “The Apprentice”: that the show was camp, and tha…
Board to Death Ep. 13: SQÜRL's Jim Jarmusch & Carter Logan | EarthQuaker... via @YouTube
RT @bopanc: Funny jokes about murder, from one journalist to another
RT @Mria_Cris: Lavagem de dinheiro c/ compra e venda de carros usando laranjas é muito mais antigo no Brasil que dessalinização de água no…
RT @mikkikauste: ”Rasismikohu puhuttaa Italian jalkapallossa”. Italialaista yhteiskuntaa ajetaan äärioikeistolaiseen suuntaan (istuvan hal…
RT @djrothkopf: In case you think there are any "adults" left...
RT @AmazonWatch: A giant dam in the jungle, financed & built by China, was supposed solve Ecuador’s energy needs & help lift it out of pove…