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@Dimmu141 pakolaisten hyysääjiä pahempia ovat vain naisten hyysärit
RT @MikaKurkilahti: Tuulahdus menneiltä vuosikymmeniltä - Höyryjuna Ukko-Pekka Turussa eilen illalla. Oli kyllä komea näky! #ukkopekka #hö…
RT @_LeoCustodio_: Lélia Gonzalez (1935-1994) was/is one of Brazil's leading Black feminist theorists, activists and politicians. "In Searc…
Kirjailija Juha Hurmeen puheen­vuoro: Me ihmiset olemme riippuvaisia kasveista ja eläimistä – Näin se on, perkele,…
RT @bandnewsfmrio: Fiéis se reúnem para homenagear Iemanjá. Prefeitura do Rio cortou a verba para a festa e este ano, para garantir a reali…
RT @DCM_online: Dallagnol posta sobre as “pequenas corrupções” e pessoal pede que ele inclua a compra de sua casa no Minha Casa Minha Vida…
RT @sexchrlab: Dear #ASHG18, As human geneticists, we cannot "just focus on our research". We cannot pretend that our research isn't being…
RT @IntheNow_tweet: Battle-tested, combat-approved. In other words, 'This weapon has been used to terrorize #Palestinians' @RaniaKhalek h…
Trade war bad for Amazon + Cerrado biodiversity and indigenous land rights
RT @JACKR0UGE: the extent that [ISIS] territory has been drastically reduced, Trump is telling a bald-faced lie in trying to take credit fo…
RT @afrorevolt: ..... balanço 2018 : infelizmente, racismo institucional seguindo firme e forte.
RT @Hevallo: This room dedicated to Martyrs in Kobane is but a fraction of the estimated 12,000+ Kurds, Arabs, Christians of the YPG/YPJ/SD…
RT @AzadiRojava: Erdo's jihadi filth is targeting positions of Manbij MMC with medium and heavy weapons now
RT @azevedofonseca: Uma thread para demonstrar como é delirante a noção de que a "culpa" pelos problemas da educação brasileira é de Paulo…
RT @jukhau: Tosi "kivaa" kun Suomi myy saudeille aseita!!! "New York Times: Saudi-Arabia palkannut lapsisotilaita Jemenin sotaan rutiköyhäs…
RT @msantoro1978: Resumo de pesquisas em vários países: facilitar acesso a armas em geral leva a mais homicídios. No Brasil, há estudos do…
RT @OliverStuenkel: O incrível silêncio do Partido Novo sobre Ricardo Salles via @exame
Aviso de conteúdo: amor cristão . . . . . . . . . .
RT @cdbeaton: Until they can confirm that there was, in fact, a drone, I'll be referring to the Gatwick shutdown as a UFO incident as often…
RT @jbarbassa: Same-sex couples are rushing to get married in Brazil before Bolsonaro, a right-wing politician who once declared himself to…
RT @julmaria_: Jos köyhä uupuu, Kela rankaisee Jos työtön uupuu, aktiivimalli leikkaa Jos tp-hakija uupuu, hänet pakkopalautetaan Jos tr…
RT @veitera: Ottaa näköjään perussuomalaisille koville, kun heiltä kysyy puolueensa jäsenten rasistisista ulostuloista ja yhteyksistä uusna…
RT @RuthHHopkins: Today the Si Tanka Wokiksuye Riders are at Wounded Knee. Pics via Lori High Elk. #WoundedKneeMassacre…
RT @AaltoUniversity: Vuoden 2018 hienoja uutisia: maailman ensimmäiset pikimustat aurinkopaneelit selvisivät teollisuuden tulikokeesta! Tal…
RT @manovich: WORLD DATA VISUALIZATION PRIZE Over $40,000 in prizes await the winners, with a first place prize o…
RT @GeorgeTakei: The Twitter burns are strong with this one.
@Tero_Hoo No tätähän me olemme Suomen dynamiittikalastajat ry:ssä sanoneet jo vuosia.