Member activity

RT @franxstrax: in Italy Turin’s prosecutors demand preventive measures for 5 volunteers who joined YPG/YPJ fight against ISIS in Syria in…
So when the institutions of high political state power produce openly racist tweets, do they have some kind of immunity here in twitter?
RT @hrw: NOW is the time for #Saudi (and UAE and other Arab states) to end arcane and often cruel male guardianship over women, so that the…
RT @HazelMonforton: *extremely medieval monk voice* writing blows
RT @quedagrave: @Mikkoli @cris_aint_br @BRRN_Fed @libcomorg @ComradePitbull @subcom_carlos @anarcholang @IAF__FAI @_b_e_n_c_ @Makno20 @advo…
RT @johnniejae: Just say it, @senwarren. "I am NOT NATIVE AMERICAN. I AM NOT INDIGENOUS."
RT @stimulator: Remember when @JustinTrudeau got elected and “progressives” where creaming their shorts? And ‘member when he talked all thi…
RT @jukkalindstrom: Onko muuten kukaan koskaan nähnyt kenenkään tulevan Amos Rexistä ulos?
RT @OIiro: @JariTervo1 Huhtasaari julistaa ihailevansa Unkaria, josta saimme tänään lukea avartavan katsauksen ( ja…
I got: Voegelin e a Nova Ordem Mundial, 2017!
RT @monicabergamo: Mas há um padrão de comportamento desses disseminadores de mentiras: eles logo recriam outra página quase idêntica. É um…
RT @anneapplebaum: More anti-Semitic conspiracy theories from the Hungarian government. The protests are about democracy, censorship and gr…
RT @alfonslopeztena: Men were once arrested for baring their chests on the beach — Women are fighting for the right to go topless in Ocean…
@cris_aint_br @quedagrave @BRRN_Fed @libcomorg @ComradePitbull @subcom_carlos @anarcholang @IAF__FAI @_b_e_n_c_…
RT @Hikipediainfo: Muistan sen ajan kun internetissä oli pelkästään omalla nimellään esiintyviä keskiluokkaisia keski-ikäisiä toimittajia,…
RT @NGrossman81: Praise for Brazil's Bolsonaro from Dave Rubin, Nikki Haley, etc show how shallow and reactionary the US right has become.…
RT @Kgbfrank: Because I cannot be in complete dismay about just one monstrous thing this government is doing. What to say, but be in compl…
Brazil has decided to separate itself from the global academic community too. Hurrah!
@quedagrave @cris_aint_br @BRRN_Fed @libcomorg @ComradePitbull @subcom_carlos @anarcholang @IAF__FAI @_b_e_n_c_…
@quedagrave @cris_aint_br @BRRN_Fed @libcomorg @ComradePitbull @subcom_carlos @anarcholang @IAF__FAI @_b_e_n_c_…
RT @60SecDocs: In Kenya, @OceanSole1 is cleaning the oceans and creating magnificent sculptures.
RT @page_eco: How people come up with “random” numbers: A: “Pick a random number from 1-10” B: 🤔°(1 and 10 are too obvious. 5 stands out i…
RT @juljxna: Lado esquerdo: território não indígena Lado direito: Terra Indígena Mebengokre / Kayapó VISIBILIDADE INDÍGENA…
RT @Journo_JoelA: UPDATED: I have now spoken to Rahaf, in the airport hotel room in which she is being detained. She is brave, and she is…
@cris_aint_br The indigenous movement has quite working relations with EU and the European civil society, so when S…
RT @Info_Activism: Exporting Repression? China's Artificial Intelligence Push into Africa
RT @MariPantsar: Köyhyys puhuttanut tänään. Hyvä niin @ASNykanen @hsfi Kun rikkain 10 % tuottaa lähes 50% kulutuksen päästöistä, on päästö…