Member activity
RT @HarriHoltta: 320 miljoonaa euroa #Talvivaara laitettuja veronmaksajien rahoja on varmuudella menetetty. Lisäksi Sipilän hallitus on sij…
So basically he will be replaced by a minion and that's good bye IBAMA then?
RT @Normose_: Olavo é muito perverso :( como historiador, não posso deixar de assistir as entrevistas deles mas é muito tóxico - a forma co…
RT @mpl_sp: Façamos como o Irmão do Jorel!
A bit over the top, don't you think, Mr, Nature?
RT @CodingRights: The Internet may be a safer place for women! 👯♀️👯♀️🥊⚡️
Now our #digitalsecurity hints to hacking hate are also availabl…
RT @interneiti: accelerationism
RT @Dimmu141: Jos tämä on "vegepihvi", niin mihin kategorian HK Sinistä lasketaan? 🤔
Listened to Room to Dream by David Lynch, Kristine McKenna. Try #Audible
RT @Peters_Glen: Japan had a sudden shutdown of its nuclear power in 2011, but has done an amazing job to avoid CO₂ emissions rising an equ…
RT @MattHopeNotHate: Sums this up, perfectly
RT @LotteLeicht1: #UN @Refugees agrees to place #RahafAlQanun "under its care & process her for travel to another country, during which #Th…
RT @TinoLintunen: Tänään on tullut vastaan Uotin ja Fryckmannin narinoita arvoista ja ihmisoikeuksista. Rikosseuraamuslaitoksen on selvästi…
RT @computerfact: computers used to be from the future but now theyre from the past
RT @danielgallas: The head of Brazil's environment protection agency Ibama quit today, one day after challenging Jair Bolsonaro's claims of…
RT @panuraatikainen: #Köyhyys Eli siis #oikeisto:n ratkaisu itsemurhan partaalle ajavaan toivottomaan köyhyyteen on #palkat, joilla ei aina…
RT @msantoro1978: Há estimativas de que até metade dos brasileiros não tem acesso a saneamento básico. Entre principais problemas do país,…
RT @existentialcoms: Epictetus Has a Bad Day -
RT @TeivoTeivainen: Ehdotus äänioikeuden kytkemisestä maksukykyyn kuulostaa monille skandaalimaiselta. On hyvä muistaa, että juuri sitä per…
RT @momentostvbra:
@aavama Kämp
RT @bruceecurb: "I don’t like Wittgenstein."
Brazil's new foreign minister, Ernesto Araújo, writes an op-ed for Bloomberg…
So Germany has voiced first its concerns over the attack against indigenous rights in Brazil. Who's next?
RT @dw_brasil: Ênfase do novo governo brasileiro no agronegócio e na mineração, em detrimento da proteção ambiental e das áreas indígenas,…
RT @submedia: In a few minutes Canadian federal cops will arrive at the #gidumten checkpoint to forcibly remove them to make way for a frac…
@Debora_D_Diniz População brasileira fala cerca de 200 línguas indígenas. Só ensinar português é o apagamento do patrimônio cultural.
RT @RainforestNORW: Foxes guardian the hen house? Brazil's president #Bolsonaro takes office, hands over control of #forests and #indigenou…