Member activity

RT @bruceecurb: Arrests for the murder of city councilwoman Marielle Franco coukd take place this month, Rio's governor says…
RT @UOLNoticias: Vetada por Damares, criptomoeda indígena visava a encorajar economia local
RT @Breakaway_chi: #Acte9 of the #GiletsJaunes has been massive all over france today, bigger than last week. Easily over 100k took to the…
RT @vhautaka: Two sides of the same fascist crap. But no matter how hard you "purge", truth will come out
RT @ZJemptv: Jeeeesus christ this is bad. FUCK facebook.
RT @Peters_Glen: Canada has an impressive amount of hydro, nuclear, & growing renewables, yet still has amongst the highest CO₂ emissions p…
RT @snadinadi: PS-Nuorten puheenjohtaja sanoo: "On vaikeaa nähdä, miten erotettujen puheet voisivat toimia todisteena sen puolesta, mitä jä…
RT @my___wheelhouse: i'm sorry ms. jackson pizzas for eels
RT @luciaguimaraes: The new director of ammunitions of the Rio de Janeiro Police once threw acid on his wife but, hey, that’s no legal impe…
RT @rubensvalente: "Delegado pede reforço policial após índios guaranis serem ameaçados de morte em Porto Alegre":
RT @Duarte_Cau: Os tentáculos d Olavo de Carvalho sobre 57 milhões d estud brasileiros 3 discípulos ocupam cargos…
RT @silviabttgr: - amigo de Bolsonaro - amiga do Eduardo - filho do Mourão - cara que mandava fake news na campanha Todos eles levando carg…
RT @azevedofonseca: Em verdade, eu diria que a mamata voltou às mãos de quem nunca a perdeu.
RT @theintercept: There is a real crisis on the border. It is centered on the evisceration of asylum laws. It is manifested in the tens of…
RT @NooraMonte: Persu-Pera tänään: Seksuaalinen hyväksikäyttö on kamala rikos! Miksi mamut on päästetty tuomaan se tänne!? Persu-Pera eile…
In 2019, we need to create time and space to stay relevant, experiment, and think more broadly about our work. Our…
with the continued blending of human, cyborg, AI and digital self, we may have to devise a set of ethics that appli…
RT @swanlandia: A good summary of the tradeoffs of innovation lab positioning - inside or outside government. From my experience inside, I…
RT @rob_sheridan: The @Netflix food show we need
RT @robertabastosn: "Damares nomeia pastor aliado como secretário-executivo de seu Ministério" Os evangélicos estão dominando o país!
RT @Minaisablogi: BOOM! Kiitos @oajry Oikea päätös. Kiitos kaikille, jotka otitte kantaa. #Educa2019
RT @dearnonnatives: You don’t get to destroy someone else’s land because you made up a rule giving yourself permission to do so. Colonize…
RT @jliski: Villiä menoa Virossa. Kollegat siellä uutisoivat Arto Aution rikosepäilyistä Nuorisosäätiöön liittyen sekä miehen bisneksistä…
RT @anttironkainen: Macron lisää poliisin valtaoikeuksia: oikeus tutkia mielenosoittajien kamat, estää väkivaltaiseksi tiedettyjen osallist…