Member activity
RT @igornist: @GuajajaraSonia @biskitty1
RT @panuraatikainen: #Oulu uutiset järkyttävät kaikkia.
On kuitenkin väärin esittää että #LapsenSeksuaalinenHyväksikäyttö olisi joku Suome…
RT @bruceecurb: Rio 70 Graus: For the city's outdoor workers, such as police, sanitation workers etc. summer temperatures can feel equivale…
RT @Maufalavigna: Isso é utilidade pública. Que falta esse homem faz.
RT @andrewrosati: Best of times, worst of times. In hyperinflationary #Venezuela beers are now too pricey to toss in the air after hits and…
RT @AliciaRebelll: Great decision👍@FCKobenhavn We have the power to change things if we choose to use it! Hope other teams join Kobenhavn!💪…
RT @aiww: The European capital cobbled with Jewish gravestones - BBC News
RT @amuurhonen: Onkohan puoluejohtajilta oikeasti kysytty Hesarin otsikon mukaisesti, miten seksuaalirikokset saadaan kitkettyä Suomesta. N…
RT @saripoyhonen: "Miksi te tutkitte turvapaikanhakijoita?"
"Mehän halutaan suojella teitä suomalaisia naisia."
"Toivottavasti sut raiskat…
RT @GuajajaraSonia: Não podemos esperar que a política bolsonarista que prega ódio, invasão e intolerância vire uma tragédia geral .A TI U…
Erityisesti pohjois-suomessa esiintyi jo 80-luvun alussa laaja ja kyseenalainen ilmiö johon juurikaan kukaan ei kat…
RT @vainikainen: @MartinScheininF Feministit on puhuneet raiskauksista vuosikymmenet. Meille on naurettu, meitä on vaiennettu. Nyt sitten y…
RT @LeeJasper: DNA ‘pioneer’ James Watson stripped of honours after he falsified data on race intelligence data suggesting black inferiorit…
From the comments:"He will torture the book until the book says what he wants"
Brazil: An army reserve colonel with no background in basic education planned to lead a selection of textbooks that…
RT @mah_13_: Nunca, nunquinha, um governo teve tantos filhos,
amigos e parentes técnicos. Os amiguchos e a parentalha
estão invadindo o It…
RT @alfonslopeztena: Ivanka: When Romans protested Caligula trying to appoint his horse to be Consul of Rome their concern was not that it…
RT @satuhassi: Vaikuttaa silta, että vuosi 2018 oli mittaushistorian kuumin. Meret ennätyslämpimiä ja niiden lämpeneminen kiihtyy, nyt 50%…
RT @jornalodia: EXCLUSIVO: Assassinos de Marielle e Anderson são agentes da Secretaria de Segurança. Clique e saiba mais detalhes! https://…
RT @lolaescreva: O q eu mais gosto é qdo reaças dizem q escolhem as pessoas pro governo baseado no mérito e na competência.…
RT @deolhonoagro: Valmir Nunes Januário tomou um tiro nas costas; chacina no dia 5 teve um posseiro morto e foi o primeiro grande conflito…
RT @submedia: Federal officials expected nationwide protest from RCMP action at Wet’suwet’en camp…
RT @theintercept: If the U.S. is to climb out of the moral abyss it has fallen into, it has to think well beyond Trump’s malice. It needs a…
RT @boomartins: Brazilian President has been deleting its own tweets now in order to defend his nominees for executive postings. Hey @Twitt…
RT @percolately: Wait, what?
RT @Info_Activism: Bitcoin Exposed Silicon Valley's Ultimate Aim: Making Money
RT @GeorgeTakei: When will he learn, the Internet is forever.
RT @alfonslopeztena: The last 92 Irrawaddy dolphins in Mekong River may not survive as a new dam is planned.