Member activity
RT @bruceecurb: Brazil’s President Jair Bolsonaro signed a decree loosening the country’s restrictive gun regulations, a small advance on h…
RT @deolhonoagro: Roteiro de missionários incluiu construção de pistas de pouso clandestinas, contrabando de sementes e viagens sem autoriz…
RT @classiclib3ral: No matter what Trump does there is always a qanon explanation for it
RT @pixelatedboat: Me never watching the Marie Kondo show and experiencing Marie Kondo entirely through people tweeting about Marie Kondo:…
RT @Info_Activism: Chinese authorities go after citizens for using VPNs, skirting online censorship
RT @SamCowie84: This will go down well.
RT @EoinHiggins_: “Upon realizing the trouble they were in — especially with Republicans — they back tracked pretty quickly."
Trump's admi…
Bolsonaro wtf
RT @cptnacional: #AtaqueAosGuaraniMibya | Nota de repúdio à violência praticada contra a comunidade Guarani Mibya da Ponta do Arado (RS).
RT @sparrk: Something something razors (by the amazing @swear_trek )
RT @zachbraff: The White House staff is furloughed so he’s alone serving cold fast food. This picture is worth 5.1 billion words. https://t…
RT @Grupodobemestar: Performance alusiva a a tortura ocorrida durante ditadura militar cancelada por Witzel no RJ é realizada na rua.https:…
RT @techdirt: EU Parliament Puts Out Utter Nonsense Defending Copyright Directive
RT @AOC: Tonight, Rep. Steve King was stripped of all his committee assignments for his embrace of white supremacy.
He will not serve on a…
RT @AOC: Tonight, Rep. Steve King was stripped of all his committee assignments for his embrace of white supremacy.
He will not serve on a…
RT @erikakokay: “Ter uma arma em casa vai aumentar a minha segurança e da minha família”.
Estudos indicam que os riscos de ter u…
RT @JuliusJaas: Jaa Intiassa oli viime viikolla maailmanhistorian suurin lakko, eipä siitä paljon täällä huudeltu?!
RT @Mobute: kinda admire an immigration protest that has a demonstration of walls' futility baked into it, like an open-carry advocate shoo…
RT @voitto2019: #kokoomus
RT @aspfors: Tunteekohan mikään muu kansakunta yhtä hyvin kuin suomalaiset antiikin Kreikan eri pylvästyylejä?
RT @domphillips: Rio artists stage show on street in protest against censorship after exhibition closed early by state government to stop n…
RT @Hikipediainfo:
RT @SannaHellstrom: Raiskauksista puhutaan niin paljon, että #suostumus2018 laki menee varmasti helposti läpi. Lisäksi odotan että Itä-Suom…
RT @KaarinaHazard: ”Rikoslain muutokset on valmisteltava huolella, ilman kiihkoa”. Tähän on tultu. Tää sanotaan erikseen. Hullut pitää kaik…
RT @BrazilianReport: While affecting large parts of the population, the president's decree will concern gun ownership and not the right to…
RT @extinctsymbol: Trump's border wall “may very well lead to the extinction of the jaguar, ocelot … and other species” in America. https:/…
Los últimos dos podcasts que publiqué eran sobre el trabajo de dos diseñadores de interacción en salud. Si les inte…
RT @HMartins: olá sr bandido o sr poderia por gentileza para de cometer crimes
RT @intlibecosoc: LA's teachers can teach the working class about the power of labor strikes | Eric Blanc and Meagan Day #StrikeReady @acfc…
RT @CUTEFUNNYANIMAL: And the award for 'sassiest poop' goes to...