Member activity
RT @Senficon: BREAKING: Council has failed to find an agreement on its #copyright position today. This doesn’t mean that #Article11 and #Ar…
RT @screamyell:
@juhakujanpaa ?
RT @submedia: IT'S NOT OVER!
#unistoten #wetsuwetenstrong
RT @ljaakonsaari: Ihmisoikeusjärjestöjen on syytä olla valppaina. Hallitus on viimeaikaisten traagisten tapahtumien seurauksena kiinnostun…
Suo ehkä kiinnostaa tällanen äärioikeiston sisällissota :D @EerolaSami
popcorn time parte 2
RT @EngnRoom: 📢 We're looking for a thoughtful, good communicator to support our communications work as a part-time consultant.
Think it…
RT @emirsader: Museu da Memória, no Chile
RT @emirsader: Caso Flávio Bolsonaro pode colocar atuação de MP e Coaf na mira do STF - 18/01/2019 - UOL Notícias
RT @Greenpeace: Arctic 100 years ago vs Today.
This is the truth about the #10YearChallenge. RT if you agree. #climatechange
(Images c…
RT @RadioYande: Y significa água. Vindo do tupi antigo, YBY significa terra. Ou água, terra, água. É com esse nome cheio de significado que…
RT @lolaescreva: O olavette e ex-MBL foi tirado do Enem, mas ñ do MEC. Já ganhou outro cargo. Continua sem ter nenhuma experiência na área…
RT @CodingRights: Hey gurls, watch out! Every day many women are victims of non-consensual dissemination of intimate images. #sad
So, take…
RT @andrewickstroem: Great name for a police.
RT @EngnRoom: Join @humdata @federation @HeatherLeson and others on 4 February to collaborate on building data literacy among humanitarians…
RT @Survival: No justice for the Guarani
RT @rhizomatica: Three generations of technology (2G-GSM, 3G-UMTS & 4G-LTE) that can now all be operated using Free and Open Source Softwar…
RT @WillSandyDesign: Thought you might appreciate this @thisaintrock @ExtinctionR - maybe a new colour way for the ER logo? Australian desi…
RT @Hyokyaalto: Juuri nyt: Radikaali verkosto Hyökyaalto osoittaa mieltään Dragon Miningin Sastamalan rikastamolla – Katso video
RT @vinicf: Olha quem está mamando // Olha quem está mamando também
RT @FaiMujer: The Wet’suwet’en have not made any agreement with the Canadian government to surrender or permit access to #Wetsuweten lands…
RT @bluemazatl: @FaiMujer We need to let that nonviolence shit go. Our relatives are going extinct. Indigenous ppl are forced to migrate. C…
RT @MiikkaKeranen: Hallitus alitti viimeisen riman. Se todella selvittää sinisten ehdotusta lähettää ihmisiä kuolemaan.
Olen pettymyksest…
RT @alfonslopeztena: Anti-vaxxers are now considered by the WHO one of the Top Ten Global Health Threats for 2019, joining the ranks of the…
RT @alfonslopeztena: Bats are falling out of trees in Australia — A heatwave is sweeping through the country.
RT @Survival: Bad news from India - tribal people should *not* be evicted to make way for tigers. It's inhuman, illegal, and unnecessary. #…
RT @LABlair1492: Temperatures reportedly at 38C today in Asunción, thermal sensation up to 43C. 55-60C kills in minutes.
Meanwhile Paragua…
RT @tomphillipsin: Starting with the fact that he thinks the Communist party has ruled China since 1940, the level of ignorance this MP fro…
Teenage Engineering is making modular synths for the masses