Member activity
RT @saladinahmed: hey guess what 'western civilization' is a recent historical construct and neither Aristotle nor Shakespeare would know w…
RT @lupontesmolina: Mais do que prenúncio: confirmação.
Os ruralistas conquistaram o que sempre quiseram: mandar na política fundiária e am…
RT @Vinncent: Well this didn't take long. Very strong indications that Flavio Bolsonaro engaged in systematic corruption…
RT @ylijuonikas: Venäjä-tutkinta paljasti Roin kuuluneen Trumpin asianajajan kultapossukerhoon ja junailleen lahjusrahaliikennettä sikamais…
RT @blogdosakamoto: Flávio Bolsonaro recebeu 48 depósitos de R$ 2 mil, em apenas um mês, segundo relatório do Coaf obtido pelo JN. Em uma d…
RT @Vinncent: Why is there nothing surprising about the fact that one of the world's most extreme political movements, a group of violent a…
I once had a cat called Leli.
Or should I say Leli once had me.
RT @Rainmaker1973: Do snakes sleep? This may seem like an obvious question, but sleep is hard to study in snakes, at least in part because…
RT @biret: A significant new doctoral dissertation on Sámi matters in organizational communication! FM Inker-Anni Sara: "Whose Voice? Under…
RT @johncarlosbaez: Ever see a unicode character that embodies a whole new philosophical idea? This is my favorite: the symbol for "incomp…
RT @GavinLeeBBC: Skipping school to save the Climate.
12 thousand children take an unauthorised day off and take to the streets of #Bruss…
RT @mpl_sp: R$ 4,30 NÃO! CHEGA DE AUMENTO!
Mesmo com a polícia tentando impedir o 2º Grande Ato de acontecer, não teve jeito!A população u…
RT @TheOnion: Defiant Pelosi Begins Swimming To Afghanistan After Trump Denies Use Of Government Plane…
RT @walkerhd1: 5/ At least 12 foreign governments have paid a Trump business during his first two years in office
RT @GretaThunberg: 22000 on schoolstrike in Switzerland today. And way over 30000 in Germany. The people are rising. The world is at a tipp…
RT @MPF_PGR: MPF, governo e especialistas debatem sobre perspectivas dos direitos constitucionais indígenas. Evento, organizado pela Sexta…
RT @proindio: Mulheres indígenas do Baixo Tapajós divulgam carta contra o desmonte da política indigenista Via @ciminacional…
Suomessa poliisia saa odottaa hätätilanteessa pisimpään Itä-Suomessa, noin 20 minuuttia. Brasiliassa awát ovat odot…
RT @MartinxHodgson: A 16-year-old Syrian refugee who was disfigured in a bomb attack has been refused a visa to get medical treatment in th…
RT @RainforestNORW: New maps of Borneo reveal expansion of industrial #oilpalm and pulpwood plantations and #forest loss every year since y…
RT @alfonslopeztena: At the halfway mark of his term, Trump, the self-professed deal-maker, has left negotiating partners from both chamber…
RT @vermontgmg: I break down the six things that really stand out to me about the Michael Cohen news. Short answer: it's a really big deal.…
RT @tutamAW: World Bank: Combined with tax concessions, the #Exxon #LNG project in #PapuaNewGuinea created “a complex web of exemptions and…
RT @mustapipa: Grönlannin mannerjäätikköä katoaa vuodessa 45 000 Kheopsin pyramidin verran – sulamisvesien mukana vapautuu suuria määriä me…
RT @DanielLavelle4: March today in DC.
RT @RodP13: Polícia Federal: decreto de Bolsonaro sobre armas trará "nefastas consequências".
Ou seja: a PF é contra o governo do Bo$o.
RT @brasil247: Jurista propõe impeachment de Fux e diz que o STF não merece ministro tão desprezível
RT @BreasleyAdam: @aiww Australia heatwave: overnight minimum of 35.9C in Noona sets new record
RT @mjauhola: tiedät että populismi jyllää, kun kuulet sanat "kun kansan oikeustaju on ristiriidassa kansainvälisen sopimuksen tulkinnan ka…