Member activity
RT @AtteHarjanne: Luen tätä niin, että liberaalin kaupunkilaisen kannattaa näissä vaaleissa äänestää vihreitä.
RT @existentialcoms: Analytic philosopher: let's simplify this to the point it has no relation to the problem.
Continental philosopher: let…
@jonathanwatts This is the thing: is the military coup a glimmer of sanity of Brazil eventually? It´s a nagging thought in my mind.
RT @jonathanwatts: A glimmer of sanity in Brazilian government. Vice President Mourão questions the competence of “climate action = Marxist…
RT @ggooooddddoogg: welcome to the council chamber
@BjorkbackaHannu I'm just waiting remakes of Shining, A Clockwork Orange and Dr. Strangelove. Will be fucking amazing.
@BjorkbackaHannu Why is there a need for a remake in the first place?
@PaleoMiika @biret Kyllä se tästä paranee.
helvetin saatana tylsää
RT @TeivoTeivainen: How to be #Nordic and #colonial? Welcome to explore legacies of #colonialism with Historians without Borders, and great…
RT @MichaelEMann: Yes, and the thermometer scale will saturate with "Too Effing Hot!"
RT @jose_simao: Melhor Desafio dos 10 anos!
RT @poemproducer: 🔊🔉🔊 the age of no bullshit is upon us
RT @azevedofonseca: Por isso vai ter Paulo Freire sim! :)
RT @TheEconomist: Those who champion open-plan offices seem to have forgotten the importance of being able to concentrate on your work http…
RT @Jirgson: @organik_music @toivohaimi @alkuperainen @AishaBenahmed @UllgrenJ @niko_immonen @samuli_virtanen @TUOTorronen @kestinen @Lauri…
RT @christibelcourt: All@my posters are free to use for any grassroots, non profit, actions.
RT @_ericblanc: A beautiful sight: Tens of thousands of striking teachers and supporters are rallying in front of Los Angeles city hall to…
RT @backt0nature: Ever seen a hedgehog stretch...
RT @TheEconomist: Working while receiving e-mails and phone calls reduces a worker’s IQ by about ten points relative to working uninterrupt…
RT @socioambiental: A Organização Internacional do Trabalho (OIT) garante a consulta prévia aos povos indígenas sobre qualquer medida que o…
RT @panuraatikainen: Nobel-prize-winning philosopher Bertrand Russell sets an example in academic #citation:
RT @HerranenTeuvo: Kymmenessä vuodessa Suomessa katosi miljardi euroa tutkimuksesta ja tuotekehityksestä
RT @ClimateHuman: My sons Zane and Braird on school strike this morning in front of Pasadena City Hall... hoping for more US strikers soon!…
RT @veeralahuhta: Hävettää kotikaupunkini puolesta, etten oo edes yllättynyt. Eniten saamelaisvihaa elämässäni oon kokenut ja todistanut Ou…
RT @SarahDeeSvl: 📽️ Extração de madeira na Amazônia
Data e localização não confirmadas. A taxa de desmatamento pode subir drasticame…
RT @azevedofonseca: Então a família bolsonaro está envolvida em lavagem de dinheiro?
RT @tutamAW: Now that the school children have set the example,we should follow. @EarthStrikeInt, an international strike day, to demand me…
@Laranja53823724 @4patasbom @choracuica mas so comunista light