Member activity

RT @existentialcoms: Philosophy undergrad: "now I know everything!" Philosophy grad student: "I don't even know what a chair is anymore."
RT @archiebland: Spice Girls' gender justice tshirts being made in factory where mostly female employees are getting verbally abused and pa…
RT @VolcanoDoc: In which my asshat neighbors decided to be complete drunken fecalwads by rolling a giant #sandstone boulder in front of my…
RT @profscontraoesp: Yu Yu hakucho é para os fracos
RT @astroehlein: From the Easy-to-Read version of our new World Report. Read it all here: #Rights2019 https://t.…
RT @PlanetaryHabLab: Welcome back Tau Ceti e to the Habitable Exoplanets Catalog (after revised data from Feng et al. 2017) c @phillippro @…
RT @collier: Instagram is a pit of hell for brand new mothers. Here, I wrote about it @wired
What is the best low budget scifi movie ever made?
RT @vincentlohmann3: 25.1 nationwide strike Berlin💚🌍 #FridaysForFuture @GretaThunberg @ExtinctionR_DE @ExtinctionR @XR_Sweden @FridayForF…
RT @fchollet: Cults and totalitarian regimes require you to hold certain key beliefs that are manifestly absurd -- not because the belief i…
RT @SumanaSiliguri: My Hindu Business Line column on why the human imagination is reluctant to imagine 'supertrees' the way it does superma…
RT @nytimesmusic: If you've heard Edgar Winter’s “Frankenstein,” Herbie Hancock’s “Chameleon,” Kraftwerk’s “The Robots,” or Nine Inch Nails…
SV: lasten seksuaalinen hyväksikäyttö - - - - - - - -
RT @KaariMattila: Kuulostaa hienolta: saamelaisalueen koulutuskeskus @sogsakk striimaa 6.2. saamelaisten kansallispäivän lähetyksen kouluil…
RT @haviobot: Itse olin erittäin kiinnostava vuosina 2008–2013.
RT @EnglishRussia1: The original #10yearschallenge
RT @Hyokyaalto: 1/2 Eilen Dragon Miningin Sastamalan rikastamolla kiinnotetuista mielenosoittajista viimeinen vapautettiin tänään aamulla y…
RT @SOSMedIntl: 🔴Happening now in the central #Med, 2 days after 117 people reportedly drowned: "Migrant boat in distress, Italy, Malta re…
RT @Jess_G: An Important Photo Series From The Vet:
RT @KHayhoe: Hi, I’m a climate scientist. You may know me from my greatest hits including, “No, it’s not a natural cycle,” “Yes, I know it’…
RT @Rainmaker1973: Cuttlefish adapt their own camouflage pattern in ways that are specific for a particular habitat. They are able to chang…
RT @lolaescreva: Pelo q estou vendo os bolsobots foram orientados a não defender mais Flavio Bolso. A palavra de ordem agora é "Não votei n…
RT @alfonslopeztena: Exposed: the horror Zimbabwe is hiding behind a news blackout —Mugabe’s successors beat and kill in a brutal betrayal…
RT @emirsader: Bolsonaro deixará filho ser "sacrificado" se a polêmica afetar o governo? - 20/01/2020 - UOL Notícias
RT @Barkend: A hashtag #Bolsonaro2022 nos TT de países muito interessados na política brasileira, como Vietnã, Bielorússia, Rússia e Guatem…
In my country this phenomenon is known as the super motherfucking blood wolf moon iä iä shub-niggurath