Member activity
RT @evagolinger: High military command in Venezuela now publicly stating support for Nicolas Maduro as Commander in Chief. Says military ba…
A ministra de Direitos Humanos Damares Alves disse nesta manhã que ama os povos indígenas. Deputada federal Joênia…
RT @socioambiental: 🔊 Com a palavra, Luiz Henrique Eloy Terena, advogado da Articulação dos Povos Indígenas do Brasil (Apib). 👇🏾 https://t.…
RT @karinnamelo: eu chamei todos voces nessa reuniao urgente de ultima hora pois aconteceu oq eu mais temia
eu perdi minha bolinha https:/…
RT @rubensvalente: Ministro de Meio Ambiente fala em 'excesso de demarcações' e é rebatido por indígena
RT @UnistotenCamp: Yesterday Coastal GasLink contractors illegally bulldozed through one of our traplines. Damage to the trapline is a dire…
RT @emirsader: Operação acha cheques e carros com ex-PM ligado ao caso Queiroz - 23/01/2019 - Poder - Folha
RT @EliasAarnio: Trumpin ex-asianajaja Cohen lykkää todistamistaan kongressissa, syynä Trumpin uhkaukset
RT @theintercept: Bill O’Reilly first introduced Fox News viewers to his caricature of George Soros as a shadowy financier bent on “imposin…
RT @TeivoTeivainen: Uncharted territory in Venezuela.
RT @alberto_jorge: On the struggles against the "Escola Sem Partido", I'd recommend the collective @profscontraoesp and the "Movimento Educ…
RT @Otter_News: When you have evil plans but it's also bath time.
(Not an Otter, not sorry)
RT @glaubermacario: Fizeram uma playlist no Spotify chamada "Músicas Mais Longas que o Discurso do Bolsonaro em Davos"…
RT @lupontesmolina: No fim do ano passado o @deolhonoagro já mostrava como os ruralistas estavam ocupando cargos altos no executivo federal…
RT @proindio: Governo anuncia nova hidrelétrica na Amazônia | A notícia de hidrelétrica no Rio Trombetas (Oriximiná, PA) preocupa uma vez…
RT @TeivoTeivainen: Not everyone in #Venezuela opts for either #Maduro or the most visible opposition backed by Trump. One example of a dif…
RT @ciminacional: #AOVIVO
Mesa "A Política Indigenista do Governo Federal" com a presença de subprocuradores-geral da República, do Governo…
RT @SebastianAFP: US: 'all options' on table if Maduro uses force in Venezuela
RT @sappikivi: Pulttibois äännetään " pultti bwuaa". Viittaa Ranskassa sijainneeseen kuninkaan metsästysalueeseen Bois de Pûltte:en. Samoin…
RT @Taco_Lad: It's designed for open plan offices because you are a fucking beast of burden to your employer and by God you'll wear a halte…
RT @MuseWendi: fun reminder for folks:
bolsonaro, fascist pres of brazil, had the following as part of his campaign:
-potential land invasi…
RT @WSJForero: Situation now in #Venezuela completely unpredictable: US throws weight behind young congressional leader and directly takes…
RT @Rainmaker1973: Platypus is so weird that the scientists who first discovered it thought it was fake. Although indigenous people knew ab…
RT @washingtonpost: Breaking: Pelosi tells Trump no State of the Union address at the House until government is opened…
RT @julmaria_: Haluun tohon vaalikoneeseen kysymyksen siitä et pitäiskö cishet ihmisiltä viedä vaikkapa sananvapaus pois
You know, for bal…
RT @ClimateHuman: We are witnessing the social tipping point. After it tips far enough, meaningful large-scale action will follow rapidly.…
RT @raju: “We really need to talk about why the media likes to sanitize bigots and bigotry” by @nilegirl
RT @AManInTheSun: I've seen this smug smile a thousand times from the heavily escorted settlers in Al-Khalil, who scream 'dirty Arabs' as w…
RT @sensacionalista: Bolsonaro cancelou entrevista em Davos porque lá não tem Record
RT @alfonslopeztena: Trump’s lawyer said there were “no plans” for Trump Tower Moscow. Here they are:…