Member activity
RT @ciminacional: No domingo (20), dois indígenas foram surpreendidos pela presença de cerca de 20 invasores a apenas 8 km da Aldeia Panora…
Here's an idea for Elon Musk (inspired by Davos): instead of building metro for cars, how about building metro for private jets?
RT @NorthmanTrader: Davos summary:
We got filthy rich over the past 10 years thanks to central bank easy money policies.
Now there's popul…
RT @WelcomingEurope: #MimmoLucano, remains in exile. The suspended mayor of #Riace had developed a model of #solidarity that has been prais…
RT @viaSimonRomero: This could easily escalate: Standoff Threatened at Hilltop U.S. Embassy Complex in Venezuela
RT @Hikipediainfo: Kielitoimiston sanakirja: tabu = aihe, josta valtion suurimpien uutismedioiden päätoimittajat kirjoittavat mielipideteks…
RT @nadanovonofront: A melhor forma de "acabar com a corrupção" é acabando com os mecanismos para detectá-la. É exatamente o que o governo…
RT @jonathanwatts: The loss of 10,000 tonnes of ice per second has heightened a military build-up in the Arctic. The climate crisis is now…
RT @AnandWrites: Hey Siri what was it like right before the Second Gilded Age gave way to the Age of Reform?
Amazonian indigenous leader responds to Bolsonaro's speech at Davos:
RT @GretaThunberg: I was given the opportunity to speak at a lunch in Davos today... On the panel was Bono, Christiana Figueres, Jane Gooda…
RT @NiklasKaskeala: Kertoo paljon ajastamme, että todelliseksi ilmastojohtajaksi nuossut 16-vuotias ruotsalainen @GretaThunberg käyttää 6…
RT @paziij: Maapallon ilmakehä pitäisi aidata niin että jokaisella maalla olisi ikioma, muusta planeetasta riippumaton ilmakehä. Jo alkaisi…
RT @OwenJones84: Pundits who denounce Trump as a fascist and a mortal threat to the world order, now cheer him on because, in time-honoured…
RT @Benett_:
RT @HenrikJaakkola: Pahoinpitelijä oli kertonut, kuinka naisen kaltaisten henkilöiden vuoksi Turun kaduilla virtaa veri. Sen jälkeen mies o…
RT @Minnastiina: This is brilliant news. The so-called "Stop Soros" legislation of the #Hungary government is not only an insult to the rat…
RT @katelinthicum: The lead actor in Roma has been denied a U.S. visa three times over the last year.
Will he be allowed to attend the Os…
RT @JadedCreative: BOOM: Deutsche Bank throws Kushner under the bus.
RT @Juho_p: Kansalaisten turvallisuudesta vastaava virkamies vetää naista kännissä turpaan taksijonossa, kun on ensin huudellut rasistista…
RT @MiskaDellinger: "Yrityksen tuotto siirretään korkeamman verotuksen maasta matalamman verotuksen maihin mm yrityksen sisäisten lainojen…
RT @demori: A imprensa para-oficial disfarçada de jornalismo vai sendo revelada. Com vocês, a história do site de boatos @conexaopolitica,…
RT @AnarcoFino: Para quem tá aí repetindo que o fracasso internacional da comitiva presidencial em Davos é uma invenção da Globo, deixo a m…
RT @paulkrugman: Both sides do it -- oh wait, only one side does it
RT @MidiaNINJA: Bolsonaro quer armar a população por segurança. Você se sente mais seguro agora?
RT @GretaThunberg: A Belgian journalist just told me 35000 students are school striking in Brussels today.! Heroes!
#ClimateStrike #Fridays…
RT @AnandWrites: Richsplaining at #Davos: David Rubenstein, private-equity baron who got rich off the carried-interest tax loophole, and no…
RT @ggreenwald: CNN recently fired @marclamonthill for defending Palestinian rights. But recklessly accusing a sitting Democratic Congressm…
RT @BulletinAtomic: IT IS STILL 2 MINUTES TO MIDNIGHT @JerryBrownGov and @SecDef19 unveil the #DoomsdayClock