Member activity
RT @reija_harkonen: ”Tasavallassa rakennetaan jalustaa, jolle presidentti voitaisiin kohottaa. Häntä arkaillaan arvostella, ja lehdet täytt…
RT @NiklasKaskeala: Ilmaston ja ympäristön kannalta, ei voisi valita paljon huonompaa matkakohdetta kuin Dubai. Lentopäästöjen lisäksi peri…
RT @Tommi_Kinnunen: Kun tarkoituksellisesti täytetään työvuorolistat väärennetyillä nimillä tai jätetään vanhukset vessattamatta ja ulkoilu…
RT @RiittaHankonen: @Tommi_Kinnunen Annoitte potkut.
RT @wrkclasshistory: #OtD 26 Jan 1944 Angela Davis born in Birmingham, Alabama. Revolutionary, civil rights organiser & the 3rd woman to be…
RT @gabrieldread: Há mais de 3 anos, corretor ortográfico do meu celular completa "crime da" com a palavra "Samarco". Agora vou ter que ens…
The train detail is amazing.
Of all industries in the world mining appears to be the most psychopathic.
Brazil: Corporate communications fuckup: Vale, as a multi-billion company maybe not the best idea to ask for donati…
Brazil: Corporate communications fuckup: Vale, as a multi-billion company maybe not a best of ideas to ask for dona…
RT @Tatisantos79: Ainda em campanha, Bolsonaro falou que reduziria o poder de fiscalização do Ibama e outros órgãos ambientais, o que julgu…
RT @Gilmar_Cartoons: #brumadinho #mariana #minasgerais
RT @PersonalEscrito: #Brazil: Fishes die as the tailings from the #Vale dam pile up in the Paraopeba River. #Brumad…
RT @sbtjornalismo: Ibama afirma que acidente em Brumadinho era previsível
#sbtjornalismo #brumadinho…
RT @ABalharry62: So a warning raised in December about the #Brumadinho dam - and no action
RT @deolhonoagro: Desmonte da política ambiental e PL do Veneno são temas da reunião entre Bancada ruralista e ministro do Meio Ambiente. L…
RT @MaippiT: #Populisti'n käytössä #pelko on ase. #populismi #islamofobia
RT @lvandenassum: See also: about recent UNSC attention to the issue.
RT @alfonslopeztena: EU nations give Venezuela's Maduro eight-day ultimatum — Spain, France and Germany to recognise Guaido as Venezuela's…
RT @tvandeputte: Dutch prime minister Mark Rutte – protagonist of a hardline neoliberalism infused with nationalist and racist rhetoric – p…
RT @GUngpakorn: Thai junta death squads eliminate exiled opponents
RT @seldo: This is an important case and a great ruling:
RT @pseudoruiva_: Médicos cubanos que foram expulsos do país, se voluntariando pra voltar e ajudar.
Que soco no estômago.…
RT @Todellineneinop: Miettikääpä hetkinen jos @VilleNiinisto haukkuisi näin kovaa @Haavisto'n lempiprojektia. Timo Haapala olisi varmasti k…
RT @kashanacauley: We need to talk about drug dealing in the white community.
RT @naosalvo: ❤️@picpay
@jonathanwatts @domphillips Is BHP Billiton involved in this incident in some way too or is it just Vale?
RT @jonathanwatts: ‘This is not an accident. It’s an environmental crime that should be punished.’ Deadly dam collapse at Vale mine in Brum…
RT @delucca: Sabe o que é doido? Essa desembargadora Marília Castro Neves falar QUALQUER coisa e não acontece PORRA NENHUMA com ela! Nenhum…
RT @libcomorg: "SYRIZA congratulates the riot police when they attack the anarchist blocks, such as the attack on the demonstration of the…