Member activity

RT @TJQeS: "Pääpaino on työssäni ollut kasvussa ja kannattavuudessa, ja henkilöstöasiat ovat jääneet liian vähälle huomiolle." Kuvitelkaa…
RT @BrazilianReport: Lula's attorneys placed a request to the Supreme Court to guarantee the former president's right to attend his brother…
RT @AmazonWatch: Brazil’s president wants to open the Amazon for business by slashing indigenous rights & forest protections. Did you know…
RT @GuardianesBos: This Thursday 01/31 we’ll join in solidarity with our Brazilian brothers and sisters, we’ll become one voice in claiming…
Such stats and articles are not inspiring, but I hope they would encourage female professionals to speak up and fig…
RT @CherylMorgan: Unsurprisingly the new Tumblr censorship regime has turned into an opportunity for right wing trolls to mob-report innoce…
RT @PattyLaya: Maduro blacks out Internet, social media in hopes of burying Guaido's message. Behind the scenes, telecom regulator is warni…
RT @vesinfiltro: Report: From the blocking of Wikipedia to Social Media: Venezuela's Political Crisis New report on #interbetve in the #ve…
RT @SamCowie84: Police chief in Amazon state Acre investigated accused of passing inside information to Commando Vermelho crime gang while…
RT @lmscientist: @FSecure_SENSE @mikko Make that: "any smart lightbulb connected to wifi"
RT @FSecure_SENSE: Discarded LIFX smart lightbulbs reveal: - Wifi credentials (stored in plaintext) - Root certificate & RSA private key -…
RT @ggreenwald: There is some really sick, demented and dangerous trash being spread in Bolsonaro WhatsApp groups and Facebook pages - from…
RT @ggreenwald: In the meantime, Bolsonaro fanatics continue to be obsessed with maligning Intercept content, with their moronic but intens…
RT @SarahDeeSvl: Lama da barragem da #Vale em #Brumadinho ameaça futuro dos #indígenas Pataxó Hã-Hã-Hãe. Muito triste. E agora o Presidente…
RT @elizondogabriel: In Brazil ... The “butt doctor” who killed someone gets out of jail. The ex-President who asked to attend his brothe…
RT @luminategroup: ...of ethical norms at the highest levels of power.” - 2018 Corruption Perceptions Index. Learn more about the index fr…
RT @wallygeo: Pra quem nunca viu uma lama de rejeito chegando avançando em um rio, é assim
RT @Vinncent: Doesn't sound odd to me. He was willing to watch the economy collapse over the last few years, I don't know why worsening con…
RT @afccontador: Raimunda Veras Magalhães e Danielle Mendonça da Costa da Nóbrega. As duas mulheres são o elo entre o senador eleito Flávio…
RT @guardian: Historian berates billionaires at Davos over tax avoidance
RT @Vinncent: Ah yes the economic sanctions that we all love, ever since they famously made Fidel Castro, Saddam Hussein, and the Kim famil…
RT @demori: Além do ótimo vídeo explicativo do @ggreenwald, vocês também podem ler esse fio pra entender o que está acontecendo neste momen…
RT @GuilhermeBoulos: Milhares nas ruas de São Paulo na primeira mobilização do MTST em 2019. #menosódiomaismoradia #povosemmedo https://t.c…
RT @profscontraoesp: Bom dia Educação domiciliar é doutrinação ideológica Censurar professor argumentando que está combatendo o "marxismo…
RT @TheInterceptBr: Na lógica do mercado, os cadáveres soterrados para sempre na lama têm importância mínima para @valenobrasil. Eles são c…
RT @gabrieldread: The latest O que "eles" não querem q vc saiba!! Thanks to @picharbonnier @totonia68 @naotafacilpr…
RT @folha: Animais gigantes viviam em megapantanal na Amazônia
RT @ParadigmHQ: Join the conversations shaping the future of the Internet and Digital policy in Africa. Register for The Digital Rights and…