Member activity
RT @GeorgeMonbiot: This story is astonishing, and huge. Britain's used tyres are being exported en masse to India, without proper oversight…
RT @daninava: Brazil is a police state. It has always been for the poor but now it is for anyone who dissents from the neofascists. The jud…
RT @suonpaa: ”Katuturvallisuus Oulussa ei ole oleellisesti muuttunut nyt julkisuuteen esiin tuoduista tapauksista huolimatta.” –@oulunpolii…
RT @giphz: krl
RT @SomeroJani: @JariRobson Tästä konkretiaa: työllisyystilanne on kohentunut rähähdysmäisesti Kanadassa sen jälkeen,kun kannabis lailliste…
RT @AntifaFinland: Esimierkillistä toiminta #NightVisions'ilta! He eivät enää päästä #HorrorShop'ia ja sen pyörittäjää, äärioikeistolaista…
RT @GDimenstein: Aliado de Bolsonaro, Edir Macedo é multado em R$ 98 milhões por sonegação.
RT @folha: PowerPoint dos Bolsonaro: entenda a relação da família com Queiroz e as milícias #Folha
RT @SomeroJani: Miksiköhän persut ovat ihmeen hiljaa tästä esperi care jutusta? No siksi, koska Halla-aholaiset olivat valmiita tukemaan ha…
Suosittelen pysyttelemään sisätiloissa.
RT @annilepp: Comprehensive study on Nordic design and designers. The scene is changing. Share of service & strategic designers growing. Gr…
RT @Terry_Irwin: The 2019 Transition Design Seminar website is now live and has resources for people who want to teach it or study along: h…
RT @AMAZlNGNATURE: Wait for it..😅
@JussiOg @Janne6nen kaikki varmasti muistavat hänen ikihittinsä Kalleimpain.
RT @Todellineneinop: Internet ei unohda, katsotaanpa mitä kaikkea löytyy
RT @ExtinctionR: .@Cambridge_Uni “management subverted a democratic decision... instead engaging in a process drenched in [@BP_plc @bhp] oi…
RT @emirsader: Expertos pesimistas demuestran que todo es una mierda | El Mundo Today
RT @jovensreacinhas: Diretoria da Vale mata centenas de pessoas
Flávio Bozo emprega milicianos e lava dinheiro
Aécio desvia…
RT @theintercept: In New York and other states across the country, authorities are acquiring technology to extract and digitize the voices…
RT @field_io: FIELD #Berlin Internship – we have a place for a young artist in #3Danimation #motiondesign #digitalart for Spring 2019! Appl…
RT @wicary: Canada will remove up to half its diplomats from Havana after another employee showed signs of contracting a mysterious illness…
RT @InhabitantsIAI: The Movement of People Affected by Dams in Brasil (@MAB_Brasil ) need international support! #TodoApoioABrumadinho #Val…
RT @andrezadelgado: Hoje é aniversário do Rafael Braga, em tempos da galera descobrindo que o sistema penal desse país é uma máquina de moe…
RT @donasassa: Os brancos não entendem que, ao arrancar minérios da terra, eles espalham um veneno que invade o mundo e que, desse modo, el…
Kuolleiden Puolue suosittelee. Never stop the madness.
RT @RainforestNORW: Sick of the spread of climate science misinformation? Arm yourself with insight and the legal and political strategies…
RT @MyDudes_:
RT @ciminacional: A receita de invasão é simples: derrube a floresta, venda a madeira e coloque gado para pastar. Se tem dinheiro para comp…
RT @MariPantsar: Älypuhelimet ovat painoltaan resurssi-intensiivisimpiä tuotteita maailmassa.
Vuonna 2016 n. 435,000 tonnia älypuhelimia, j…
RT @rixcriga: OF2019: UN/GREEN, COM/POST/HUMAN, N/AI
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