Member activity
RT @existentialcoms: shit you guys i accidentally read the wikipedia page on "economics" and now i realize communism is bad, and it's actua…
RT @domphillips: Two horrific videos of the Brumadinho tailings dam collapse that show scale and ferocity of the disaster.…
RT @ARautiainen: Piffillä kaupitellaan Marco de Wit-fanittuotteita. "Jep, Teespringille menee tuotantokuluihin ja niiden provikkaan noin pu…
RT @rehventura: A família tradicional brasileira é formada por um homem, uma mulher e uma criança indígena sequestrada
RT @HaddadDebochado: Bom dia para quem não faz parte da elite intelectual que acredita em mamadeira de piroca, kit gay e terra plana
RT @alinealc_: Obrigada @AnarcoFino
Eu mesma nunca tinha me atentado pra tanta coisa que você disse nessa thread!
Espero que os jornalist…
RT @ciminacional: Em Tucumã, no Pará, o povo Kayapó também realizou manifestação na tarde de ontem, integrando a mobilização nacional do #J…
RT @tuulikamppila: Tutkijat: Toksinen maskuliinisuus eli ahdas mieskuva on haitallista.
@verkkouutiset: Maskuliinisuus on haitallista
RT @alfonslopeztena: ‘It smells dirty’: scandals loom over Bolsonaro after first month in office — Suspicions of political shenanigans and…
RT @vaelluskalanet: Luonnonvarakeskus ei puolla Hannukaisen kaivosta – kuparipäästöt voisivat jopa tappaa lohia – tietyt asiat, joita esite…
RT @AndresSchipani: When Schvartsman took the reins at Vale, he sought to draw a line under the Samarco tragedy. “We must all adopt a motto…
RT @silicondomme: I’ve found it, the kinkiest thing on PornHub. thanks?
RT @AnthonyBoadle: #Blow to Bolsonaro as #Brazil top court judge reopens probe into his son Flavio
RT @ciminacional: Em Edimburgo, na Escócia, manifestantes também demonstraram sua solidariedade aos povos indígenas do Brasil e seu apoio a…
RT @computerfact: in the future everyone will have their fifteen minutes of privacy
RT @MMaxakali: Rompem barragens, matam os nossos rios e desmatam nossas florestas agora quer nos devolver? Devolvem o Brasil pra nós do jei…
RT @Rainmaker1973: The Mandelbulb is a 3-dimensional fractal: since a canonical 3-dimensional Mandelbrot set does not exist, it is possible…
RT @AntiBDSApp: 🚨 Israel’s official app is directing its users to mass report a video by @amnesty (which criticizes tourism in illegal sett…
Peaches - Fuck The Pain Away. Official Video (Music Video) via @YouTube
Qué sigue en @disenoydiaspora? diseño y política en Argentina, una serie de diseñadores trabajando en en el gobie…
Qué sigue en @diseñoydiáspora? diseño y política en Argentina, una serie de diseñadores trabajando en el gobiernos…
RT @sophialeppa: En tiedä onko sanan syrjintä merkitys nyt siellä poliisissa oikein selvillä.
RT @nowthisnews: A dam collapse killed more than 60 people and ruined this Indigenous tribe's home — now they blame the 'white man' and cor…
This cassette proves the KGB infiltrated northern christian scene in the 70’s. Thanks @Mikkoli
Haluaisin muistuttaa, että myös osittain suomalaisomisteinen selluteollisuus aiheuttaa haittaa vesistölle, josta pa…
RT @BrazilianReport: UPDATE: The number of deaths in #Brumadinho reached 99 and there are 259 people missing. The police reported that from…
In Finland we have this thing called fuck you academic paywall!
RT @MariPantsar: Kiire tässä tulee, tai siis on jo.
@MarikoLands'n hyvä kuva: nykypäästöillä jäljellä oleva hiilibudjetti 1,5 asteen lämp…