Member activity
RT @Survival: Protected zones are being set up to fail in Africa, overwhelmed by the same popular opposition that ensured the retreat of co…
Paws for thought with Brian Eno via @YouTube
RT @SarahDeeSvl: O que é o amor? ♥️
A Ministra @DamaresAlves, responsável pela @funaioficial agora, diz que ela "ama demasiadamente os pov…
RT @SuperCoolOhYES: Khajit has coin but no wares
RT @victoriajane6: The delivery robots in Milton Keynes stuck in the snow this morning! 😂😂 #MiltonKeynes
Mañana publicamos 2 entrevistas, 2 podcasreres se encuentran, charlan con micrófono prendido desde Chile y Finlandi…
RT @Vinncent: Not trying to besmirch any particular political position from any given country, but we really need to move past the whole, "…
RT @MichaelHalila: Honestly? Every single cis man knows exactly what toxic masculinity is, because we've all experienced it. Some of us are…
RT @m_yosry2012: File under "Cute" please
RT @mikkoantero: Ostin hyvän lumilapion ja oon viime päivinä auttanut useampaa tuntematonta pääsemään irti penkasta.
Älä koskaan…
RT @WarrenWhitlock: CHART: How Many Birds Are Killed By Wind, Solar, Oil, And Coal?
RT @m_yosry2012: These frozen pants just nailed the landing!
RT @biabionica: Olha que inovação: agora em vez de viajar pra sofrer xenofobia, o brasileiro pode sofrê-la no Brasil mesmo…
RT @ScienceNews: Smog has been linked to widespread unhappiness in China.
RT @revisa: Many journalists have commented, but Renan's defeat is also a defeat for Paulo Guedes's dreams to Onyx Lorenzoni. The internal…
RT @tictoc: China is buying U.S. soybeans again following recent trade talks. Insights via @CMEGroup
RT @pnanadquemtalen: Sabem o deputado merda que colocou a esposa no colo?
Já espancou a sua filha quando ela tinha 16 anos.…
RT @Peters_Glen: Carbon dioxide emissions are the dominant contributor to climate change, & thus understanding the (complex) carbon cycle i…
RT @victoriajane6: The delivery robots in Milton Keynes stuck in the snow this morning! 😂😂 #MiltonKeynes
RT @FrankPasquale: "Amazon received a patent in 2017 for a scheme involving optical illusions and logic puzzles humans have great difficult…
RT @Survival: Uncontacted tribes are in greater danger than at any time in modern Brazilian history. The money Brazil spends protecting an…
RT @anneapplebaum: "Trump pointed at the map and said he knew that Nepal was part of India, only to be told that it is an independent natio…
RT @DonnerKay: Pay attention.
RT @Vinncent: Ok, now this might be something
RT @zerotoledo: Todos os partidos foram representados na comissão de escrutinadores. Até o PCC.
RT @RepDebHaaland: Not only is this a terrible grab for resources by this administration, but they didn’t provide consultation for tribes w…
RT @DrFunkySpoon: A polar vortex is a common feature of planets with atmospheres. On Venus they split into 2 and sometimes 3 vortices which…
RT @Diogotapuio: Sobre Davi Alcolumbre (DEM), eleito presidente do Senado da República, algumas informações de utilidade pública nessa thre…
RT @AnthonyBoadle: #Bolsonaro ally wins #Brazil senate presidency, easing legislative...