Member activity

@helenasustar @inlandDesign @Maahanmuuttovir two pilots are already on going
Tää on kyllä itkunaurattavin veto syyttää jotain Afrikan väestökasvua ilmastonmuutoksesta :D
@AmerikanHannes @MattiMorttinen Afrikkalaiset ja aasialaiset eivät ole syypäitä nykyiseen tilanteeseen. Pääasiassa…
RT @TheInterceptBr: Uma semana atrás, a ciclovia Tim Maia estava “sem problema nenhum” e as pessoas “poderiam usar com toda segurança”. Ont…
RT @cynaramenezes: "meninos de 3 anos chupam o pipi do coleguinha" e outras bizarrices sexuais que a ministra damares dizia estar acontecen…
RT @domphillips: Rio City Hall says Flamengo only licensed to use area where teenage players died in fire tragedy as a parking lot. https:/…
RT @S0cialEcologist: "The opposite of nature isn't #plastics. That's a very false dichotomy that comes out of colonial science." @MaxLiboir…
@juriszalmanis Augstaakaa labuma salami desinju 👌😁
RT @MidiaNINJA: A Polícia MIlitar de São Paulo agrediu professoras hoje, 7, em momento que juíza passava com seu carro de luxo. Servidores…
RT @kenolin1: Wow. The GOP is outraged at a guy who admits that as a 15 year-old he wore blackface to mimic African Americans. I can’t imag…
RT @theintercept: Journalists, lawyers, and activists working on the border face coordinated harassment from U.S. and Mexican authorities h…
RT @amazonianativa: "As organizações indigenistas continuam sendo necessárias porque o Estado não cumpre a sua função. O estado não vai res…
Opinion | They Really Don’t Make Music Like They Used To - The New York Times
RT @ajplus: The murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi was "planned and perpetrated" by Saudi officials, says the UN official who's leading a…
RT @TylerABC57: GHOST APPLES 👻🍎 After freezing rain in Michigan, apples that hadn’t been picked got coated in ice. Many fell off the tree…
RT @SarahDeeSvl: "Esse Presidente está agindo por fora da lei. A constituição federal não fala que o Estado deve matar os povos indígenas."…
RT @ShastaReports: Fire at Brazilian Youth Soccer Dormitory Kills 10 - a dream turned nightmare for soccer hopefuls, many from underprivile…
RT @adamconover: When you "tip" an Amazon driver, the driver doesn't receive that money as a bonus. Instead, Amazon uses it to pay them the…
RT @theintercept: Jeff Bezos protests the invasion of his privacy as Amazon builds a sprawling surveillance state for everyone else https:/…
RT @Samir_Bhowmik: What a striking image! We will be carrying our computers even perhaps after computation ends..... #humansoflatecapitalis…
RT @Tanelihamalaine: Perustulokokeilun karu saldo: Perustuloa saaneet kokivat hyvinvointinsa parantuneen
RT @linjaaho: ”Viranomaisen valvontakäynnit kääntyvät teatteriksi, koska viranomainen ilmoittaa niistä tarkastuksen kohteelle yleensä hyvis…
RT @brunoformiga: O Flamengo é do Rio. Mas as vítimas vêm do Brasil inteiro. Eram sonhos. Garotos que abdicaram da infância, da família, pe…
RT @PatoCorporation: Quando o ministro da justiça de um país afirma q "a Constituição não deve ser interpretada de forma literal", como dis…