Member activity
RT @extinctsymbol: A massive Chinese-backed £1.2 billion hydro-electric dam project could spell Armageddon for highly endangered orangutan…
RT @PicturesFoIder:
@apaatti pahoittelen aiheutunutta mielipahaa / I apologize on behalf of Africa
RT @veronikahonka: Tervetullut näkökulma päiväkotikeskusteluun. Harva tietää, että esim Helsingissä 98 prosentilla kaupungin päiväkotilapsi…
RT @HenrikJaakkola: Keltaliivit Ranskan Lyonissa potkivat pihalle fasisteja mielenosoituksestaan.
RT @DavidNemer: How a Demon-Slaying Pentecostal Billionaire Is Ushering in a Post-Catholic Brazil.
RT @Vinncent: Marco Rubio's Twitter feed recently is truly remarkable, he is largely using it to issue clear threats to military and politi…
RT @dogspanhol:
RT @andrezadelgado: 6 mortos por causa da chuva
10 mortos no CT do Flamengo
13 mortos em ação desastrosa numa favela.
RT @momentostvbra:
RT @MartinScheininF: Saamelaiskäräjät voi hakea ihmisoikeuksia loukkaaviksi todettujen KHO:n päätösten purkua vain KHO:lta iseltään. KHO:n…
RT @TuomoLap: No nyt se selvisi. Vika olikin asukkaissa. #Attendo
RT @hekanaho: ”Lakia tulee kato lukea vähän sormien läpi” – Touhulan opettaja kertoo, miten ryhmäkokoa kasvatettiin ja vanhemmille käsketti…
RT @BRRN_Fed: Capitalism has us all like...
RT @Lexialex: You can ruin a female filmmaker’s career in Hollywood by simply telling people “she’s difficult” ... meantime, dudes with doz…
RT @existentialcoms: America is a country where billionaires find it cheaper to finance elections to get people in who will cut their taxes…
RT @huebschepepito: thread: o governo Bolsonaro já se rasgou de elogios à Viktor Orbán (à esq), algo que passou despercebido por muito por…
RT @apaatti:
RT @HumansOfLate:
RT @eliisa_kuusama: Olisi mielenkiintoista jos ihmiset suhtautuisivat kristittyihin samalla tavalla kuin muslimeihin.
"Tuomitsetko kristi…
RT @Rainmaker1973: Products like VeinViewer use projected near-infrared light, absorbed by blood and reflected by surrounding tissue. The…
RT @liandersson: Minusta tämän perustulokokeilutuloksen johtopäätöksen voi kiteyttää niin, että pitkäaikaistyöttömyys ei ratkea taloudellis…
RT @PicturesFoIder:
RT @PaulEDawson: Humans have cut down half the trees on Earth since the dawn of agriculture – over 3 trillion of them.
This huge loss hold…
RT @BRRN_Fed: The self-declared president of Venezuela says in an interview he does not rule out inviting his backers, the US, to intervene…
RT @cris_aint_br: Twitter bane usuário que reagiu a ataque de racismo.
Twitter bans user for reacting to racist attack.…
RT @AnandWrites: The best corporate social responsibility is to stop lobbying against the public interest.
@dgelles gives a boost to the i…
RT @MuseWendi: remember a while back when i tweeted about far-right ex-feminist darling sara winter who had just gotten fairly neutral, if…
RT @DidrikSoderlind: Jorda skjelver under konspirasjonskongen Alex Jones nå. Forretningsideen med å trakassere familier i sorg for å selge…