Member activity

RT @AMAZlNGNATURE: Happy cows enjoying their new brushes
RT @socioambiental: O general do Exército João Carlos Jesus Corrêa será o novo presidente do Instituto Nacional de Colonização e Reforma Ag…
RT @interneiti: oispa ötökkävaalit
RT @Senficon: The first “final” trilogue on #copyright is starting now. Probably negotiations will drag on until tomorrow and Wednesday. Wi…
RT @bzbrad: SCOOP: An internal Vale report in October found a heightened risk of collapse at the Brazilian mining dam that burst a few mont…
RT @silviolual: Dizer que o racismo é estrutural não retira a responsabilidade individual pela reprodução do racismo. Pelo contrário: obrig…
RT @joana_varon: Such an honor to be featured among this awesome group of women! Keep rocking and inspiring, ppl! Cheers to @BMZ_Bund for t…
RT @bruceecurb: Former Costa Rican President Oscar Arias faces multiple accusations of sexual harassment, but his accusers are struggling t…
’oikeat’ työt ovat ajaneet tämän maailman tilanteeseen, jossa nyt ollaan. Kaikki se kaivaminen, rakentaminen ja hak…
RT @domphillips: More evidence that Vale knew the Brumadinho dam was at risk: Reuters reporting it was in an internal report, says @SEisenh…
RT @Katukissa161: Tämä jatkuvasti leviävä koululaisten #ilmastolakko on ihana asia Nyt odotan, että se leviäisi aikuisten keskuuteen. Jos k…
RT @cris_aint_br: New version of "if you want peace, prepare for war": "If you want democracy, prepare for a coup d'etat and a puppet state…
@JohannaJaas @A_Ahokas @fin_ama En nyt kyllä Harkimon pikkumaista kikkailua pitäisi minkäänlaisena referenssinä. Eh…
RT @A_Ahokas: En voi ymmärtää vanhempia, jotka vastustavat ilmastolakkoja/haluavat, että lapsensa eivät niihin osallistu. Niinku ensin polt…
RT @FeministaJones: This man just mansplained mansplaining and my fucking head is about to explode
RT @toniled: "Unless we change our ways of producing food, insects as a whole will go down the path of extinction in a few decades," they w…
RT @ilkkajii: 4v: "isi, tuo mulle muffinssi" Minä: "käypä itse hakemassa, ei isi oo sun palvelija" 4v kävelee vaatehuoneeseen ja 5 min my…
RT @ciminacional: Para o CNDH, a mudança representa o desmantelamento dos órgãos que possuem competência técnica, expertise, experiência, r…
RT @JussiPullinen: Olen hyönteistuhosta ennenkin ollut täälläkin tosi huolissani, mutta tätä Ylen juttua lukiessa tuli taas mieleen, että e…
RT @EmmaKari: Miten puolueet oikeasti äänestävät seksuaalivähemmistöjen oikeuksista eduskunnassa.
RT @emirsader: TV Record ignora critérios jornalísticos e ataca crianças sem-terra. Por Leonardo Fernandes
RT @Rainmaker1973: Mirages play with your perception like optical illusions: this boat looks like it's floating, but it's just a false hori…
RT @SarahDeeSvl: #Indigenous leader Cacique Babau is requesting protection after plans to kill his relatives – plans involving ranchers, po…
RT @SarahDeeSvl: ⚠️Líder indígena na BA pede proteção e apuração de suposto plano de mortes. Cacique Babau e seu povo, os Tupinamba, preci…
RT @MST_Oficial: NOTA DO @MAB_Brasil | "O Movimento de Atingidos por Barragens reafirma a importância da defesa de uma educação popular no…