Member activity
RT @dw_brasil: "Nosso filme é maior que Bolsonaro", diz Wagner Moura. Na estreia de "Marighella" em Berlim, diretor fala sobre a atual situ…
RT @folha: 'Vamos enfrentar muita merda no Brasil', diz Wagner Moura sobre filme de Marighella em Berlim
RT @apaatti:
RT @biret: Oulun yliopisto: Suomen kulttuurirahasto on myöntänyt professori J. Jaakkolalle ja ARAHAT-työryhmälle 100 000 euroa saamelaisten…
RT @OwenKelly: Episode 10 of the podcast is live now. Stephen Pritchard @etiennelefleur talks Owen Kelly & Sophie H…
RT @Samir_Bhowmik: Video: Memory Machines - Samir Bhowmik & 00100 ENSEMBLE - by Finnish Visual Artist Hannu Karjalainen @HannuKarjalain3 /…
RT @veronikahonka: UM ei myöntänyt yleisavustusta Finnwatchille, joka on ainoa suomalainen kansalaisjärjestö, joka valvoo yritystoiminnan v…
RT @A_Ahokas: Todays climate strike in Helsinki! Thank you for everyone, it was amazing! 😍💚🌍 We will win!
#FridaysForFuture #Climatestrike…
RT @bellingcat: Olena Semenyaka, mentioned in this FBI report, is a central figure in this investigation. She works with Azov as their "Int…
RT @vexwerewolf: I absolutely refuse to believe that people call tap water any of these other things
RT @MST_Oficial: #AgroecologiaÉoCaminho 🏡📚🌱A Escola Paulo Freire possui em sua grade curricular disciplinas sobre a produção de alimentos s…
RT @MichaelHalila: Incidentally, for the benefit of my non-Finnish readers, the Finnish minister for defence is literally Herr Flick of the…
RT @ExtinctionR: A police van has just driven straight into a crowd of school children.
Is this really the reaction we want from the poli…
RT @AnandWrites: This is how you do it.
RT @pohjoistuulesta: HAJOAN
RT @jovensreacinhas: Um jovem negro foi ASSASSINADO ontem no Extra.
A direita chama o jovem de bandido sem provas.
Já o vídeo que mostra q…
RT @ASM_AntiSocial: Retweet if you pay more taxes than Amazon.
RT @Vinncent: Hell yes baby most efficient economic system EVER
RT @panuraatikainen: #Ilmastonmuutos
Hei kaikki #tutkijat #professorit #dosentit yms.!
Annetaan täysi tuki tulevaisuutensa puolesta ilmas…
RT @hekanaho: Olennaisen äärellä. Eräät miehet kykenevät kakkaamaan vain alastomana - nakukakkaaja tuntee olevansa villi, vapaa ja rentou…
Olisiko tästä uudeksi Nokiaksi?
did you notice that next PDC will be in Colombia? stay tune!
Che-che-checking @kxpmusic test pressing with proper speakers at Blackhead studios #genelec #berlin #musahommat…
RT @classiclib3ral: Racists are mad about a new Swedish science show about the first people to inhabit Sweden because it presents the lates…
RT @meltedvideosbr: URGENTE: Saiu decreto do ministério pra essa sexta!
The next episode of 'Meanwhile in an Abandoned Warehouse', titled 'Culture and the Cultural Cities Enquiry', will b…
RT @Korppiradio: Neljän tuulen podcast sarja YKSI ON MAA alkaa 19.2. Korppiradiossa. Kuuntele 5 minuutin introjakso täällä:…
RT @crisvector: Ok já demos os devidos biscoitinhos ao Bolsonaro simplão das vestimentas mas vamos falar de coisa mais importante: CADÊ O Q…
RT @astroehlein: Today's uplifting message: The beautiful things you leave behind will inspire others even after you are boiled alive by py…
RT @ptkarvinen: Tosi harmillista varmaan pyörittää 11 miljardin voittomarginaalia tekemättä lainkaan voittoa, josta maksetaan veroja.