Member activity

RT @Dimmu141: Tulee hyvä mieli tästä. #ilmastolakko
RT @SaaraHuttunen: Vaalikonekysymykset be like: olisin valmis ryhtymään kasvissyöjäksi jotta puolustusvoimat voi ostaa enemmän hävittäjiä
RT @BrasilWire: Proven racist admirer of genocidal dictators, Jair Bolsonaro, does not like the "racist dictator" image he has abroad. http…
RT @lebraga: O que estamos ensinando para as crianças? Não podemos esquecer este momento! Um presidente influência muito na formação das pe…
RT @aaronrutkoff: Elon Musk's paranoid style of executive leadership includes calling in a fake police tip that a Tesla whistleblower is ab…
RT @JillLanglois: Tomorrow marks one year since @mariellefranco and Anderson Gomes were killed. Two former police officers have been arrest…
RT @MidiaNINJA: Ganhadora do Prêmio Direitos Humanos 2018, Mapulu Kamayurá articula projetos para levar centros de informática às aldeias e…
RT @A_Ahokas: Yli SATA maata mukana! Yli puolessatoista tuhannessa paikassa lakkoillaan huomenna, aivan mahtavaa! 😍💚🌍 #FridaysForFuture #i…
RT @TiinaMSandberg: Voitaisiinko sopia, että ilmastodenialistit saisivat julkisuutta sen mukaan kuin ovat tiedeyhteisössä edustettuina? Eli…
RT @bruceecurb: Brazil's 108-member evangelical caucus in Congress, one of the first groups to declare its support for Jair Bolsonaro, is d…
RT @modescriticism: Real World: Design, Politics, Future. Co-organised w @Alison_JClarke, partnership bw @PapanekFound & Porto Biennale. Sp…
RT @inlandDesign: We say that we combine design thinking and advanced technology at @Maahanmuuttovir to co-design services that support imm…
RT @graficosdePS1: campanha dos cara literalmente falando em metralhar pessoas mas ai na moral mt VIOLENTO os videogame 😡😡🤧🤧…
RT @StrangeAnimaIs: Cinereous mourner chicks mimic poisonous caterpillars to avoid predation when young.
RT @bruceecurb: Yair Netanyahu, son of Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin, neglects to pay his $2,600 hotel bill from his stay at the Hilton i…
RT @Number10cat: At this moment of deep uncertainty for the UK, I’m offering to take over Brexit negotiations. I couldn’t exactly do any wo…
RT @TheOnion: Religious Conservatives Argue Adam And Eve Would Never Have Been Banished From Eden If They’d Had Guns…
RT @HambiBleibt: #HAMBACHERFORST INTERNATIONAL CALL FOR #SOLIDARITY #RWE & its #CO2ps now exploiting time between negative decision in Colo…
RT @euclarice: Maior apreensão de armas da história do Rio. Será q o Witzel vai botar helicóptero pra sair atirando em condomínio da barra…
RT @daninava: Tragic things Brazil has imported from the USA: 1) Political assassinations 2) Blue lives matter ethos 3) Islamophobia 4) An…
Sattuu sitä vahingossa muutkin kuin Immoset samaan kuvaan epäilyttävän aineksen kanssa.
RT @SamCowie84: Marielle Franco murder: lawyer of one of the suspects arrested yesterday backed Witzel during Rio governors race and was ar…
RT @socioambiental: Grileiros e madeireiros ameaçam índios isolados no Xingu! A ação ilegal se fortaleceu nos últimos meses, aumentando o d…