Member activity

RT @ambrowoll: @PetraNyqvist @EerolaSami @Dimmu141 Myös leffateattereissa: #vihapuhe #yritysvastuu #politiikka #rasismi #vaalit2019 #Vaalir…
* Today * The third instalment of the Social Tools Training Sessions will be underway at our office. The event is s…
Day 7/7 of #7bookschallenge. @Hayohe nominated me to post covers of #7booksILove. No reviews, no explanations, 1 bo…
Cuál es el rol del diseño en la definición de políticas públicas? Esta semana una entrevista con un investigador ur…
RT @GretaThunberg: ”A new report published this week shows that 33 global banks provided $1.9 trillion to fossil fuel companies since the a…
RT @Nouriel: Blockchain isn't about democracy and decentralisation – it's about greed. Cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin result in the conce…
RT @lolaescreva: E a gente aqui esperando esta quadrilha cair sozinha...
RT @heikki_ryynanen: Hallitus haaskasi 200 miljoonaa euroa maakuntien ja soten valmisteluun. Sillä rahalla olisi palkannut 1700 lääkäriä ta…
RT @CuriousZelda: I do a thing I get a scare I spend the day Inside my lair
RT @ajplus: Comedian Jess Hilarious said she felt "threatened" by four Sikh men on the same flight as her. She's now apologized after a bac…
RT @idiotn00b: (harjoittaa turkulaisen folkloristiikan opiskelijan keksimää uskontoa, jonka vanhimmat tekstit ovat noin 150 vuoden ikäisiä)…
RT @PaulEDawson: “The science is clear. Without rapid cuts in CO2 and other greenhouse gases, climate change will have increasingly destruc…
RT @horsemankukka: miks ihmiset ottaa lasit pois päästä telkkarisarjoissa/leffoissa kun ne kuulee jonkun ison jutun
SV : rasismi, natsit, väkivalta . . . . . . . . . . . .
RT @jamboeditora: PERIFACON ROLANDO EM SÃO PAULO! Venham nos visitar no 2o andar da Fábrica de Cultura do Capão Redondo, na primeira comic…
RT @alfonslopeztena: We can all agree that Brexit has been a complete and utter mess. With just days to go, we’re in danger of falling off…
RT @GUngpakorn: Junta party loses the popular vote. Preliminary results from the Thai election.…
RT @Survival: "At least 14 Indigenous territories are under attack" – President #Bolsonaro's extremist rhetoric (see…
RT @helikontio: Thai election today is theatre. Dinosaurs holding onto power. Also, time to get rid of the mantra of Thai monarchy being ab…
RT @MiguelRegiSilva: Coaf conclui que renda de Flávio Bolsonaro não explica dinheiro em conta, diz revista - GloboNews - Jornal das Dez - C…
RT @outilansman: Sveitsiläinen pankkiiri sai 2017 vesiluvan sillan rakentamiseksi Suomen ja Norjan välille Angelin saamelaiskylään. Valit…
RT @GUngpakorn: With 93% of votes in Thai election counted, Pua Thai plus Future Forward have 11.2 million Junta Party has 6.9 million and…
RT @hirvasjanne: kapitalisti täsä moi! mä tulisin jyräämään tän teidän kylän ko mulla on rahaa, ja mä voin. moiccu!
Show Us Your Junk! Ep. 23 - Steve Albini (Shellac, Electrical Audio) | E... via @YouTube
RT @alfonslopeztena: Meet the artists fighting for democracy in Thailand