Member activity

RT @womensmarch: Almost 30k people have signed our petition calling on @jack and @twitter to take down ⁦@realDonaldTrump⁩’s irresponsible a…
RT @proindio: A medida foi solicitada pelo Gabinete de Segurança Institucional | Nos dias 24 a 26 de abril acontece o Acampamento Terra Liv…
RT @bruceecurb: Former President of Peru Shoots Himself Ahead of Arrest
RT @mlkauppi: @JussiEronen @jhattara On helppo kirjoittaa, että rahoittakaamme kukin itsellemme tärkeitä hankkeita. Suhteetttomuus tulee es…
RT @tinygorgon: the millennial version of 2.5 kids and a picket fence is six houseplants and no roommate
RT @SannaRaitaaho: Oho! Ekrem Imamoglusta on ainakin toistaiseksi tulossa nyt jopa virallisesti Istanbulin pormestari, mutta AKP:n päätöstä…
SV : rasismi, natsit, joukkomurha . . . . . . . . . . . .
RT @BeingFarhad: @sumon_ecohyd @SaleemulHuq @PaulEDawson @MikeHudema @AllanMargolin @ErikSolheim @GeraldKutney @erikbryn @jellsmoor @PEspin…
my dear collaborator Ramia Mazé was interviewed in this publication. Interesting read
RT @sovietvisuals: Children getting ultra violet light treatment. 1960's. Photo by Valery Shustov.
RT @Ancelmocom: Museu Nacional recebeu, em 7 meses, 0,034% de valor doado a Notre-Dame em 24h
RT @iikkanikkinen: Joka kerta kun joku sanoo "suomalainen liha on ilmastoteko", napajäätiköstä irtoaa kerrostalon kokoinen pala jäätä.
RT @AnandWrites: Bill and Melinda Gates seem to think their money doesn’t buy them outsize power and influence, which is exactly what peopl…
RT @GreensEP: Did you know that some companies sell products in the EU with identical packaging but different quality?😲 #EPlenary voted for…
RT @SyksyRasanen: "Strumia’s latest diatribe confirms the assertion by writer and journalist George Monbiot that “the more disgracefully yo…
RT @jojalonen: Mestarin itsensä tavoin tosin kyllä ihmettelen, minkä pirun takia nämä jutut aina kirjoitetaan vaalien jälkeen. Vaalitenteis…
Biodiversity hot spots are the world's living seed vaults and laboratories that are essential for world's food and medicine security.
RT @cryptoworldweb: 16-year-old #climatechange activist Greta Thunberg wants the world to come together to save the planet as we did for #N…
What I would really like to see in the world is an effective, holistic, global scale reforestation policy that coul…
RT @incognitosum: Future Frequently Asked Questions aka "simple everyday questions for complex near futures" by @fishandchipsing https://t.…
RT @aksiomaorg: An Autopsy of Data Business, @joana_moll's talk at #tacticspractice is now available here 👉🏻
RT @Info_Activism: From Geo-targeting in Guyana to A/B Testing in the UK; from Third Party Tracking in Colombia to Campaign Apps in India;…
RT @gzanlorenssi: O Brasil onde ninguém vive. Em 84% do território nacional, não há nenhum habitante. Em muitas dessas áreas existem reserv…
RT @nyeleni_de: Der 17. April ist der Tag das bäuerlichen Widerstands. La @via_campesina, Dachorganisation bäuerlicher Bewegungen weltweit,…
RT @lolaescreva: A sinistra Damares acha q isso é elogio.
RT @GreenpeaceBR: Na próxima semana, lideranças indígenas se reúnem em Brasília para defender o direito às suas terras e à sua própria exis…
Huomionarvoista tuo kova "muiden" puolueiden nousu.
RT @MaijaLiuhto: Uskomatonta, että Suomessa käydään tällaista keskustelua vielä vuonna 2019. Vertailun vuoksi Pakistanissa Benazir Bhutto s…
RT @AnnTelnaes: "Over two decades Trump borrowed more than $2bn from Deutsche. In 2008 he defaulted on a $45m loan repayment and sued the b…