Member activity

RT @djaspora: “To understand our current ecological catastrophe...we need to look at the role of colonialism at its roots”…
RT @MNIndigena: "Pela garantia de nosso direito constitucional". Ouça a voz de Kretã Kaigang no início do #AcampamentoTerraLivre. © Kamik…
RT @cleusa_slaviero: Moro acusa petistas de intimidação? Crie vergonha na cara fanfarrão! Ou vc tem problemas psicológicos graves? Mentiros…
RT @CodingRights: How the #Internet influences our everyday lives? 🤖📲👀👩🏽‍💻🐧📺🌶️ #LAUNCH of the 2019 #InternetHealth Report by @mozilla http…
RT @joskann: Painava puheenvuoro. Nyt pitäisi poliitikkojen, talouselämän pamppujen ja jokaisen toimittava.
RT @brumelianebrum: Enquanto o novelão se desenrola, capturando e desviando a atenção do país, o “mártir” governa. E como governa. O projet…
RT @proindio: A cúpula do Instituto Chico Mendes de Conservação da Biodiversidade (ICMBio) será totalmente composta por militares. https://…
RT @MNIndigena: Queixa que será entregue na sexta-feira em Genebra também cita falta de consultas em obras rodoviárias que afetam terras do…
RT @domphillips: Brazil: indigenous people rally in capital to protest against Bolsonaro onslaught. Mine for @guardian…
I have been active in twitter for only a year, so I don't know if it has always been like this here, but I have a f…
Brazil: while thousands of indigenous demonstrators - activists, leadership and their families - around the country…
RT @Survival: Sirius is the brightest star in the sky, but has a hidden partner. Sirius B, invisible to the naked eye, was discovered by We…
RT @neetainari: "Suomessa #rasismi ymmärretään pitkälti ja ainoastaan henkilötasolla tapahtuvana asiana, eli tilanteina, joissa joku sanoo…
RT @IndustriALL_GU: On the eve of the 6th anniversary of the #RanaPlaza factory collapse, garment workers in #Bangladesh pay tribute to the…
RT @lupontesmolina: Começou! Ainda precisam de doações. Quem puder doar, chama na DM que ajudo a levar hoje. Comida, lona, sacos de lixo…
CW : state oppression, mass murder . . . . . . . . . . .
RT @ExtinctionR: Rebels in London were joined by indigenous artists and activists, Daiara Tukano and Jaider Esbell from Brazil at UCL. They…
RT @ciminacional: O Fórum Permanente tem a função de reunir representações indígenas para informar a ONU sobre questões relativas ao desenv…
‘Berlin vs Kantelinen’ by villehoo on #SoundCloud #np
@IfNotUs_ThenWho @ApibOficial @radicalanthro @ExtinctionR A message from @ApibOficial in english:
RT @Ana_Rios: #resistênciaindígena nas lutas e conquistas #ATL2019 queria muito poder estar lá
RT @SophieHRW: 👉👉👉😱😱😱 Must read: Made in #China, Exported to the World: The Surveillance State
RT @SarahDeeSvl: “We’re here in Brasilia to show that we will fight for our rights and against big dam projects that are destroying or land…
RT @HildaHaller: I think there's a fair chance my cat is possessed. #CatsOfTwitter
RT @davidschneider: Theresa May's guide to social etiquette 16-year old Swedish climate activist working to save the planet: avoid meeting…
RT @NickCowern: Greta Thunberg is right – only a general strike will force action on climate change
RT @jmkorhonen: Tämä olisi oikea reaktio. Me nyt ihan oikeasti katsomme maailmanloppua suoraan piippuun. Nyt elävät saattavat kuolla ennen…