Member activity : Mikko Lipiäinen

RT @Info_Activism: Congress Should Grill Mark Zuckerberg on Facebook's Monopoly, Not Privacy Zuckerberg wants to talk about how Facebook ca…
RT @TTToivanen: Stora Enson omistaman selluyhtiön väitetään syyllistyneen maakaappauksiin Brasiliassa
RT @Survival: Uncontacted tribes in Peru face grave #danger from #oil exploration and #logging, despite the creation of new reserves. https…
RT @Info_Activism: Rethinking Black Digital Literacy, Part 1
@jukkapeltokoski Rasvaton maito <3
RT @Info_Activism: Escape the echo chamber - First you don’t hear other views. Then you can’t trust them. Your personal information network…
Looks like a promising initiative: #Finland #PISA #WEHAVEBESTEDUCATION
After quitting FB, Tweeting #Zuckerberg #Schmuckerberg
Urgent action needed: Guarani leaders are being killed! Help us stop this: via @Survival
@pauwl Thanks! I dediced to try reporting the smell of it but now I´m lacking the words.
Pau I just noticed there´s a streetfire on avenida 9 de Julho. A collegial advice please - what should I do as an artist? #EnObert1
RT @Other_Worlds: @amnesty URGENT action alert for Gustavo Castro - witness to the assassination of #BertaCáceres & now in danger https://t…
RT @PersonalEscrito: Gustavo Castro blocked from leaving Honduras – We fear for his life. -@OtrosMundosChia @FoEint…
RT @g_jareta: "Berlim tem o primeiro supermercado sem embalagem do mundo" Sim, é tudo a granel, igual a qualquer quitanda em Pirajuí desde…
RT @gudaricatala1: Defensores d L #LibertadDeExpresion hoy en #París, entre ellos el de la #LeyMordaza #JeSuisHypocrite…
Väkivaltainen etninen jengi riehuu Helsingin kaduilla. #katupartio
I've voted Anita Sarkeesian for the Gaming Personality of the Year - You can do the same here at:
Voisiko joku kertoa, mikä on kuuntelun ja salakuuntelun ero nykyään? En oikein tiedä.Kertokaa please!
No, I'm not going to the world cup.: käyttäjältä @youtube
Italy beat Mexico, Brasil beat Japan, Police beat People #FIFA #Brasil
GE has more money offshore than any other U.S. corp: $108 billion. Hey @GeneralElectric, pay your taxes! #TaxEvaders
Solidarity with the anti-fascists in Greece - demonstration in Tampere 19th Jan #antifa
Academics posting their papers in honour of Aaron Swartz in hashtag #pdftribute