Member activity : Mikko Lipiäinen

RT @EFF: The blocking and filtering by nation states of the global Internet is a violation of Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Hu…
RT @Info_Activism: “I have read and agree to the Terms” is the biggest lie on the web. We aim to fix that https://t…
RT @CNN: Scientists have accidentally developed a plastic-eating enzyme that may be used to combat one of the world's worst pollution probl…
RT @newtactics: How RootIO Broadcasts Radio in Uganda Using a Bucket via @globalvoices
RT @SamCowie84: Brazil: Supreme Court meets today to decide whether former presidential candidate Aceio Neves should go on trial for corrup…
RT @Info_Activism: These Ex-Spies Are Harvesting Facebook Photos For A Massive Facial Recognition Database
RT @biosresearch: "Sopivilla mittareilla riippuvaisuus luonnonvaroista vaikuttaa vähenevän, mutta laajemmin katsottuna dematerialisaatiota…
RT @SamCowie84: Brazil: Quilombola leader killed in Amazon state of Pará. Police suspect execution. Victim was involved with long running f…
RT @szymielewicz: Is digital propaganda a real issue in Poland? Who shapes our political debate on Twitter? What about false amplifiers? Ha…
RT @Info_Activism: Lawmakers publish evidence that Cambridge Analytica work helped Brexit group
RT @PetraLaiti: "We need to let states know that sustainable development for states is not what sustainable development means to indigenous…
RT @tutamAW: #Russia:n investigative #journalist #MaksimBorodin dies after falling from balcony. Borodin reported on deaths of Russian #me…
RT @tutamAW: Externalization of production costs to the #environment: #Australia:n tech company plans to reopen #coal power plant to produc…
RT @medialabufrj: Como usar o celular e fazer vídeos para a defesa dos direitos humanos e como prova jurídica? Oficina // documentando vio…
RT @Info_Activism: Cops Got a Drug Dealer’s Fingerprints From Photos of His Hand on WhatsApp
RT @pinerpiner: After giving up censoring homosexual content, Weibo reactivate the hashtag “我是同性恋”/ “I m homosexual” which has accumulated…
RT @Info_Activism: As Russian court announces Telegram ban, users stand defiant, amused… and worried
RT @Info_Activism: Facebook Takes the Punches While Rest of Silicon Valley Ducks
RT @1lucabelli: Falei com a #BBCbrasil de como o #ZeroRating potencializa difusão de #FakeNews. Patrocínio de aplicativos dominantes e #fra…
RT @EdSander: China's Sina Weibo reverses gay content clean-up after outcry
RT @AarneClimate: "Yhä laajemmin esitetään, että hiilidioksidipäästöjen tulisi kääntyä laskuun jo vuonna 2020. Tämä tarkoittaa, että Suomen…
RT @Info_Activism: Think of a Number: Why Humans and Machines Are Bad at Being Random - A magician or a lottery might seem to offer you a f…
RT @Patagorda: @billmckibben Exxon’s legal bid fails to suppress public investigation into what #ExxonKnew about #climatescience. This shou…
RT @emminuorgam: Vihdoinkin! Ilman MV:tä ei olisi ollut yhtä elämäni paskimmista viikoista. Sen jälkeen kaikki huorittelu ja väkivaltafanta…
RT @FrankPasquale: “These algorithms really are black boxes. You don’t know how they’re arriving at those prices & whether you’re being dis…
RT @yletiede: Ilmastoahdistus aiheuttaa vihaa, surua ja syyllisyyttä – Aalto-yliopisto tarjoaa opiskelijoille tukea ilmastonmuutoksen käsit…
RT @STTuutiset: Kuukausia Helsingin Rautatientorilla ollut Suomi Ensin -mielenosoitus poiki noin 30 rikosepäilyä väkivaltaisesta ekstremism…