Member activity : Mikko Lipiäinen

RT @againstutopia: @AmirSymmetry lol david graeber has said that the nolan batman movies are: batman begins: a conservative's nightmare of…
RT @SoniaBridi: Invasão de terra pública é crime. Desmatamento ilegal é.. ilegal e criminoso. Invasão de áreas indígenas ou unidades de con…
RT @histoftech: It's interesting how people so invested in tech's growth critique it in a way that requires more of their same tech to fix…
RT @raju: In India, a major cancer hospital chain, HCG, is actually fighting the govt to keep cancer drugs more expensive than proposed by…
RT @tucmo: Toisten esi-isien jäännösten pitäminen näyttelyesineinä ylittää kyllä muutamaa useamman epäsopivuuden rajan. Ei tuota nykypäiv…
RT @AMAZlNGNATURE: The dead leaf butterfly (Kallima inachus), from Asia, is the most spectacular example of camouflage!!…
RT @_notanartist: Just to make it clear to you if you aren´t in panic already.
RT @jovensreacinhas: O governo Bozo não fez os cálculos sobre a reforma da previdência, mas mesmo assim diz que ela economizará 1 trilhão…
RT @JoeniaWapichana: Amanhã inicia a maior mobilização indígena do Brasil. Povos indígenas de todo Brasil estão chegando em Brasília para o…
RT @ExtinctionR: So, apparently our protests have officially worked now... But we’re not stopping here. One phase of rebellion may end, bu…
RT @cicawey: Ibama arquiva processos contra plantações de soja em área protegida
RT @Andre_Borges__: Depois de o presidente do ICMBio pedir exoneração após a crise gerada por declarações do ministro do Meio Ambiente, Ric…
RT @domphillips: Lula prison sentence reduced to 8 years, ten months by high court, he could even move to open prison this year. https://t.…
RT @BRRN_Fed: Working "996," or from 9am to 9pm six days a week, is "not a problem" says Jack Ma, tech company founder and richest man in C…
RT @BrazilianReport: According to @bbcbrasil, Brazil's Environmental Agency (Ibama) is unable to collect BRL 20.8bn in fines due to lawsuit…
RT @bruceecurb: Three years ago I went to Itaborai, a former oil boom town on the outskirts of Rio de Janeiro that in many ways embodied Br…
RT @amnestyusa: Kids should not be in detention, period. And even considering putting them Guantánamo Bay is inhumane. Detaining asylum-se…
RT @SlenderSherbet: I'm sorry but I need to highlight this disgusting breach of Health and Safety regulations as a hamster eats a wafer wea…
RT @MSQsto: Aktivistit: *vaatii ilmastonmuutoksen torjumista useilla tavoilla vuosien ja vuosien ajan* Liberaalimellanknöölit: "Ei tuo ole…
RT @OttoBruun: Ylikulutuksesta #kohtuutalouteen, siinäpä unohdettu ilmastoratkaisu.
RT @AmazonWatch: Ação coletiva em Nova York para proteger a floresta amazônica! Protesto solidário com os povos indígenas do Brasil ameaçad…
So when did kidnapping become "illegal arresting"?
Some people are ready to sell their mother for a right price. Then there is Brendan O’Neill, who is ready to punch…
RT @Turkukaupunki: Turku tarjoaa avoimena datana 3D-kaupunkimalliaineistoa, joka kattaa rakennukset koko Turun kaupungin alueelta sekä lase…
@apaatti @julmaria_ Nyt joku joukkorahotus jo vetämään!
RT @tereensio: Extinction Rebellion arrests pass 1,000 on eighth day of protests
RT @Juho_p: Tänään työnsä aloittaneiden kansanedustajian on syytä huomioida alkuperäiskansat politiikassaan ja kuunneltava heitä. Sama kosk…
RT @MariPantsar: Luonnon monimuotoisuuden häviäminen yhtä suuri uhka kuin ilmastonmuutos. Kun lisätään listalle luonnonvarojen ylikäyttö,…
RT @BMatB: When travelling for work - it's so much 'fun' when people send you >2 mb emails