Member activity : Mikko Lipiäinen

RT @FrankPasquale: “No matter how feasible commons-based production may appear, for those suffering from the paralyzing effects of systemic…
RT @Info_Activism: Facebook, This Is Not What “Complete User Control” Looks Like
RT @Info_Activism: Hackers stole a casino's high-roller database through a thermometer in the lobby fish tank
RT @SkinnyMilam: Mother is at work. Father is deployed in Syria. Kid misses his school bus so he goes to a neighbor's house for help. Neig…
RT @joannachiu: "I am LGBT" hashtag reportedly blocked on Weibo, as Chinese activists report growing pressure on #LGBT advocacy. https://t.…
RT @GreyCrossStudio: Trump Bombs Syria While Still Fighting to Keep Out Thousands of Refugees…
Hyvä etätapaaminen tänään nuorten Porto Segurossa toimivien solidaarisuustalousaktivistien kanssa. Luovaa ensi viik…
RT @carlsafina: @Revkin @AdamFrank4 @ClimateOfGavin All civilizations preceding us were advanced; unless one thinks killing the planet is a…
RT @pixelache: Ferment Lab was busy and active last year, but in Strasbourg! And now we will make reflections and a celebratory swap evenin…
RT @EFF: Congress needs to get this right. Balancing our right to privacy with our rights to communicate and innovate may be hard, but it’s…
RT @VarisVerkosto: Ylen toimittaja soluttautui Ravintola Kaisaniemen natsitapaamiseen. Mitä todella tapahtui ravintola Kaisaniemen seinie…
Are big scale Indigenous Games any different than other big sports events regarding their social impact? I got feed…
RT @Info_Activism: EU's top court asked to probe Facebook U.S. data transfers
RT @Sosiaalifoorum1: Tasan viikko Sosiaalifoorumiin! Avajaistilaisuudessa oman näkökulmansa kansalaistoimintaan antavat mm. #oikeuselää -li…
RT @ARautiainen: Kela rajoittaa toimeentulotukea saavien lääkkeitä, apulaisoikeusasiamies sanoo – ”Valtaosa saa tarvitsemansa lääkkeet maks…
RT @Info_Activism: Google loses 'right to be forgotten' case
RT @UN4Indigenous: Next week, over 1,000 reps of indigenous peoples, states and others will gather @UN to discuss how countries can effecti…
RT @nytimes: Breaking News: President Trump has ordered strikes against Syria as punishment for a suspected chemical attack near Damascus h…
RT @CNN: BREAKING: President Trump orders US forces to launch precision strikes on targets associated with chemical weapons in Syria https:…
Our BioSignals programme will kick off in May. Stay tuned.
RT @business: Trump pardons Cheney aide Scooter Libby for lying in CIA probe
RT @natashanyt: It's been hard to get consumers interested in privacy because the harms were difficult to understand writes, @nelliebowles.…
RT @maxseddon: Russia has banned @telegram for refusing to turn over encrypted messages to the FSB. But don't worry, the communications min…
RT @daphnegastaldi: French police accused of falsifying migrant children's birth dates
Bahian indigenous artist Arissana Pataxó's works finally on display in as an extended part…