Member activity : Mikko Lipiäinen

RT @dricaveloso: BBC Brasil - Pesquisa inédita identifica grupos de família como principal vetor de notícias falsas no WhatsApp https://t.c…
Year 2017 has been one of 'bloodiest years' for land conflicts in Brazil.
RT @Info_Activism: Data Privacy Is a Human Right. Europe Is Moving Toward Recognizing That
RT @Survival: Horrific: Olivia Arévalo Lomas, an elderly Shipibo woman who defended the rights of her people deep in the Peruvian #Amazon,…
Bahialta tulee muutakin kuin sellua, kuten esimerkiksi hyvää musiikkia! Fennobahia-työpajaa valmistellessa soi taus…
Andy Warhol praised coke as an example of equality through consumer culture. Probably would praise Facebook too? Fo…
RT @Info_Activism: ‘I Fundamentally Believe That My Time at Reddit Made the World a Worse Place’ - A conversation with former Reddit produc…
Huomenna Fennobahia-työpajassa katsomme Desertos Verdes -dokumentin eukalyptussellun tuotannosta, joka yhdistää Suo…
RT @francesca_bria: Smart cities need to go beyond technocratic efficiency. They need data sovereignty & democratic engagement of communiti…
RT @Info_Activism: Russia is blocking millions of IP addresses, all because of the Telegram #IPocalypse
RT @PetraLaiti: United Nations 18.4.2018 "Let Finland see that we are not alone. Let them hear, that no means no." #JäämerenRata #saamelai…
RT @SamCowie84: Hard to tell from this crappy photo, but the red banner hanging from this building in central São Paulo reads ''Marielle vi…
RT @nidacolony: The selected residents and participants for the 8th Inter-format Symposium on Rites & Terrabytes are announced. We're excit…
No siis just nyt mietityttää, että pitäiskö twiitata #kuusamontaiteilijakarhu sta vai ei.
RT @AcademiaObscura: The 5 stages of paper writing 1. Denial: I have plenty of time to write the draft. 2. Anger: Why the hell did I agree…
RT @business: The U.K. just went 55 hours without using coal for the first time in history
RT @sepponet: Headline Hits the Rock Bottom in Finland: Endangered Freshwater Pearl Mussel Threatens Sierilä #Hydropower Plant Project in…
RT @existentialcoms: Capitalism is great because it incentivizes ripping off the public, exploiting your workers, lying to your customers,…
RT @CiaraLongBrazil: New study finds Brazil chucks 55 percent of its sewage directly into nature. That's a pretty long way away from its go…
RT @CodingRights: Já estamos em SP pra participar dessa discussão e ministrar o módulo "#privacidade, #segurança e #vigilância na era digit…
RT @Siemenpuu: 2018 yearbook from @IWGIA. "The Indigenous World offers a comprehensive yearly overview of the developments #indigenous #peo…
RT @Info_Activism: We Don’t Have Elections - How tech companies merge with the nation-state
RT @ICAHDFinland: New Rise of Fascism - fasismin noususta EU:ssa,Israelissa,Turkissa,Ukrainassa & Venäjällä keskustelevat @ARautiainen, @Sy…
RT @PetraLaiti: USA sai puheenvuoron ja sanoi haluavansa jakaa muutamia 'best practices' alkuperäiskansojen maiden suojelusta. Takarivistä…
RT @austin_walker: This story on Tesla covering up workplace injuries and prioritizing Musk’s aesthetics over safety gets at the danger of…
RT @NaomiAKlein: The people of #PuertoRico are in the dark again. They deserve so much better than this. And no accountability for contract…
RT @bellingcat: Belgium Illegally Shipped 96 Tonnes of Sarin Precursor to Syria via @bellingcat
RT @evgenymorozov: Yes, AI will create new jobs. But mostly for those who say that AI will create new jobs.