Member activity : Mikko Lipiäinen

RT @raevaara: Luontojärjestöt tekevät talkootyönä erittäin olennaista kartoitustyötä. Vapaaehtoiset ovat usein korkeakoulutettuja ammattila…
RT @sanosesaameksi: #sanosesaameksi nyt inarin-, koltan- ja pohjoissaameksi & in English! 🌐 @UN has proclaimed 2019 as the International…
RT @existentialcoms: If someone asks you to explain the Hegelian Dialectic, just say, in as smug of a voice as you can manage: "the dialect…
RT @SallaValtari: #Ykkösaamu'ssa abit kertovat seuraavan vuoden suunnitelmistaan: naisoletettu aikoo mennä töihin ja ehkä matkustella, mies…
RT @theintercept: Google faced growing pressure since the military contract was revealed. Nearly a dozen employees resigned in protest and…
RT @katecrawford: This is HUGE. And it's all thanks to the thousands of Google workers who came together to refuse to work on AI for milita…
RT @samfbiddle: here's the malware-filled email Russian military hackers used to try to breach the US voting system
RT @c_harig: Heartbroken pro-military intervention protester is very disappointed after the army shot him with rubber bullets…
RT @theintercept: Google has sought to quash the internal dissent over its military contract, telling employees the contract was “only” for…
RT @Info_Activism: Uganda’s ‘WhatsApp tax’ and SIM card regulations will make it harder to stay connected
RT @Info_Activism: Real News About Fake News - WhatsApp is a black box for fake news. Verificado 2018 is making real progress fixing that h…
RT @Info_Activism: This Is How the Internet Crosses the Ocean - Many people overlook the fact that the internet relies on vast networks of…
RT @connie_walker: Paramedic who was first responder at mosque shooting dies by suicide
RT @MichaelHalila: So the same people screaming about "islamofascism" are in favor of forcing everyone to display Christian symbols. Yes, c…
RT @BrazilBrian: In 15 years of following Brazil, I have *never* been as pessimistic as I am following a week in Sao Paulo. Open clamor for…
RT @KalleKuisma: Korppiradiossa on kana ilmoilla tänäiltana klo 21.
RT @theintercept: Student protesters in Puerto Rico face trial as government criminalizes dissent by @alicesperi
RT @joskann: Nyt on todella tärkeä teema! #tilajatulevaisuus #sitoumus2050 #biodiversiteetti
RT @pekkalahde: Suomi on ulkoistanut ympäristövaikutuksensa "Suomalaisten kuluttamien maataloustuotteiden tuottamiseen tarvittavasta vilje…
RT @Info_Activism: Police Raid Anarchist Library in Berlin’s Kreuzberg Neighborhood
RT @Majlis_Podcast: Impact of the Aral Sea disaster was never so real, people in #Turkmenistan and #Uzbekistan say, it's raining salt, toxi…
RT @MattiRutonen: Milloin EU näyttää kaapin paikan ja määrää kovat sanktiot Unkarille? Unkarin paikka ei ole EU:ssa. Orban on diktaattori.…
RT @Hromadske: BREAKING: Russian opposition journalist Arkadiy Babchenko has been shot dead in Kyiv, the police have just confirmed. https:…
RT @DecMcCormac: All soup no croutons Say hello to Justin Trudeau, the world's newest oil executive #climatechang…
RT @kriwkrow: Radical Projection Mapping Lab day 1 is over. Batteries are charging for day 2 to come #biosignals #liepajasounddays #raspber…
RT @KoomikkoKivi: Hei Timo Soini. Jos "elämän puolustaminen" kiinnostaa noin kovasti, niin mitäpä jos Irlannin aborttilainsäädännöstä lus…