Member activity : Mikko Lipiäinen

RT @libcomorg: Demonstrations at ICE offices around the US. If you know about one not listed, tag us in.
RT @stopkarkoitus: Eikö #juhannus: takaan voi viettää ettei kotoutunutta ja työllistynyttä #tphakija:a revitä kotoa säilöön? @KaiMykkanen @…
RT @PostOutlook: Families will no longer be separated at the border. But where are my clients’ kids?
RT @guardian: 'This is huge': black liberationist speaks out after her 40 years in prison
Vetoaako Hakkarainen kannattajiinsa vai antaako paskan jatkua? Veikkaan, etta jatkakulttuuriin kuuluu selkarangatto…
RT @biret: ”Aron asianajaja Martina Kronström sanoi oikeudessa loppulausunnossaan, että Aroon kohdistunut mustamaalauskampanja on ollut voi…
RT @EbThen: I am so tired of this "absence of empathy = sociopath" bullshit. It's neither factual nor helpful. Trump is not a "sociopath"…
RT @Hikipediainfo: Tämä lienee tärkeintä ja hyödyllisintä, mitä #Ylilauta on koskaan tuottanut.
RT @yaso: the Minister of the Supreme Electoral Court just said that the next Brazilian elections could be cancelled in the case of a "mass…
RT @NBCNews: Immigrant children as young as 14 housed at a juvenile detention center in Virginia say they were beaten while handcuffed and…
RT @goldkorn: Xinhua News Agency loves Trump: He makes America look bad every day.
RT @biret: Vielä on villihevosia! Korkeasaaren tammat vapautettiin Mongolian arolle - katso riemukkaat kuvat
RT @sarah_calavera: Self Portrait Along the Border Line Between Mexico and the United States, 1932 by Frida Kahlo
RT @Haarniala: #Juhannustaikoja 💐🌅✨: Jos juhannusyönä kirjoittelet kännisiä uhkauksia naisjärjestön FB-sivuille, olet todennäköisesti kans…
RT @TeivoTeivainen: Political power of global corporations. Another insightful analysis that we can read through Progress in Political Econ…
RT @viaSimonRomero: The Billion-Dollar, Secretive Business of Operating Shelters for Migrant Children
RT @JoriEskolin: Sairas, sairaampi, Donald Trump.
RT @Dimmu141: Tämä on se #uusinormaali. Aivan ällöttävä.
RT @giltensai: Agora em julho vou fazer o Afrobit, um curso para da uma introdução a lógica de programação para jovens negros e/ou de Baixa…
RT @SamCowie84: Rio de Janeiro: public defenders call to end police practice of firing high caliber weapons at densely packed poor communit…
RT @sepponet: Hyvää keskikesän juhlaa myös lintuperheille! #Juhannus #linnut
RT @FederalistPitch: "First you say you don't want children and babies in prison *without* their parents. Next you say you don't want child…
RT @AlexTheHonk: The most successful people I’ve met: 1. Honk 2. Honk 3. Honk 4. Honk 5. Honk 6. Honk 7. Honk
RT @dirquez: ICE has decided to temporarily shutter it's main Portland facility due to #occupyICEPDX. Story:
RT @SamCowie84: "Brazil doesn't have cages for immigrant children, but it does have police helicopters shooting at poor communities" https:…
RT @BenEsler: @NaomiAKlein We went from temporary detention to mandatory indefinite detention in island prisons very quickly. The general p…
RT @Dimmu141: Janitskinin luona Andorassa ilmeisesti asuu yksi Emil, joka on streamissa usein kutsuttu "Iljan koirahoitajaksi" streamissa.…
RT @katie_honan: This is the crowd of people outside Terminal B at LaGuardia Airport, where earlier today children arrived after being sepa…
RT @Info_Activism: Watching the World Cup Through Sociological Lenses