Member activity : Mikko Lipiäinen

RT @jg_environ: I was skeptical until I verified these clippings at @nytimes. In 1934, influential religious figures in US argued that Germ…
RT @marcorubio: #China President Xi told a group of CEO’s from U.S. that “In the West you have the no­tion that if somebody hits you on the…
RT @theintercept: Trump aims to dismantle protections for immigrant kids and radically expand the family detention system…
RT @domphillips: 'Toxic garbage will be sold here': Outcry as Brazil moves to loosen pesticide laws. My @guardian story.…
RT @AlexTheHonk: You cannot escape Dominic’s screm song
RT @FrankPasquale: “Video games have become the subtlest & most effective kind of military propaganda: one that avoids direct ideology & in…
RT @balthusknot: Juttua Suomi Ensin -liikkeestä ja siitä miksi ne ei osaa. Suosittelemme: Panu Huuhtanen -hyperli…
RT @EFF: The Supreme Court cleared up confusion about when cops can obtain certain types of cell phone location information: when they have…
RT @theintercept: Hundreds of protesters rushed to block a Border Patrol bus with kids waving from dark windows. “People started screaming,…
RT @AsoViyan: Some more prominent violations committed during the counting of the votes #TurkeyElections
RT @skinosian: Arnovis Guidos Portillo was separated from his daughter at the border in Texas. On Thursday he was deported back to El Salva…
RT @theintercept: “Set the babies free!” — Tensions escalate on the border as immigrant parents search for separated children…
RT @JoriEskolin: -”Gay Pride was not born out of a need to celebrate being Gay, but our right to exist without persecution. So instead of w…
RT @TuomoLap: Seuraavaksi natsit varmaan kieltäytyvät toimeentulotuesta.
RT @Mustarinda: Mustarinda Children Art Camp 3 started today!
RT @kotkavirta: Enemmän miestä kuin koko perussuomalaisten eduskuntaryhmässä.
@KaijaLansman @biret Tanaan tuli samasta teemasta tallainen englanninkielinen teksti vastaan:
RT @NicholasDanfort: if anyone wants key election takeaways: * Erdogan won * in an unfair competition * no one knows what will happen next…
RT @theintercept: Sweden’s World Cup team has two words for fans who hate immigrants: “Fuck racism” by @RobertMackey
RT @actuallynotmatt: This next message is for wasps and wasps only: Fucking calm down lads. Here ends the message.
RT @Lexialex: My friend @LoujainHathloul is still in prison for fighting for the end of this ban. The world cannot celebrate this until Sau…
RT @theintercept: These fortress-like AT&T buildings across the U.S. are central to a secret NSA program that has monitored billions of com…
kaveri teki kiusaamisesta bisneksen. Toivottavasti saa mita tilasi.
When the best of Global North and South converge the ultimate holiday soundtrack is born #Fennobahia