Member activity : Mikko Lipiäinen

RT @LGBTAsylumNews: The latest The asylum-global-south Daily! Thanks to @NIJC @JCWI_UK @mpactglobal #googlealerts #…
RT @TheAuracl3: I can think of a visual no more befitting of American fascism than the @NYPD putting a Black protester in a chokehold under…
RT @FaiMujer: How American Racism Influenced Hitler: Mapping the international precursors of Nazism.—"Five years later, he noted, approving…
RT @FaiMujer: A 16 year old Palestinian shot by Israeli forces in May during major protests on the #Gaza border died of his wounds yesterda…
RT @EticasFdn: We want to collect personal stories and reports about the social, ethical or economic consequences of bad and misused data…
RT @chaosupdates: Durchsuchungen bei Netzaktivisten: Die Betroffenen der #Zwiebelfreunde seien nur als Zeugen, nicht als Beschuldigte gefüh…
RT @MaaritSnellman: Suomessa joku ihaili Australian maahanmuuttopolitiikkaa:"In an excoriating letter written to the ABF, Fazileh Mansour B…
RT @Dimmu141: Köpenhamnianssa on yhtä paljon ulkomaalaisia kun tanskalaisia kärjäläisiä, mutta ainoat henkilöt jotka ovat saanet sakkoja ov…
RT @SciencePunk: Confused as to why memes at risk? Here's my primer with BoingBoing's @doctorow and @jimkillock of ORG…
RT @jimkillock: Thank you @FIFAcom for your copyright zealotry BTW, having the example of people cheering football goals and you folks dele…
RT @BreeNewsome: This nation was not founded by immigrants. Europeans squatting on already-occupied land with the goal of producing raw goo…
RT @EFF: BREAKING: In a huge victory, the European Parliament has voted 318-278 against #Article13 and #Article11—the disastrous #Censorshi…
RT @mustapipa: "Veggie burger could pose an existential threat to New Zealand’s second biggest export earner - meat production." Yes, that…
RT @PajariRasanen: ”Meidän täytyy uskaltaa sanoa vastaan natseille, rasisteille ja islamisteille ja kertoa, mihin me uskomme.” Vrt. Suomen…
RT @OpenRightsGroup: HUGE WIN today for #freespeech, #censorship and #copyright! The disastrous #Article13 is NOT getting fast tracked! Thi…
RT @_C4C_: BREAKING: #EP Plenary just rejected JURI Committee negotiation mandate on the Article13 #Copyright #CensorshipMachine! 318 MEPs…
RT @ARautiainen: Governing in the Name of Caring—the Nordic Model of Prostitution and its Punitive Consequences for Migrants Who Sell Sex h…
RT @Nesient: Daaaaamn Cory, 🔥 all the way.
RT @chaosupdates: „Vollkommen unverhältnismäßig, wenn Familien morgens um sechs Uhr […] ohne jede vorherige Befragung eine Hausdurchsuchung…
All friends of #Riseup, this is relevant: Riseup´s info here:
RT @SyksyRasanen: Israel aseistaa uusnatsien Azov-pataljoonaa Ukrainassa. Onko tässä kolmas Israelia koskeva tärkeä aihe (Israelissa nouse…
@miapetrakumpula @HennaVirkkunen @jaatteenmaki @HeidiHautala @spietikainen @petrisarvamaa äänestä EI automatisoidul…
I just helped to stop #CensorshipMachines that would filter ALL of our online content. You too can help to…
RT @Senficon: Half an hour to go to #saveYourInternet. You can watch the decisive vote on #copyright here at noon CEST:…
RT @myh12582: So much for fan art friday. 🤔😯😢😭This is really sad. #ThereMustBeABetterWay #SaveYourInternet
RT @Billbrowder: BREAKING: Danish government seeks to confiscate profits Danske Bank made from laundering $8 billion of Putin regime dirty…