Member activity : Mikko Lipiäinen
RT @Dimmu141: Persujen politikka
-Mitä mieltä olette aktiivimallista?
PS: Katso tätä video Rosengårdista
-Pitäisikö veroja nostaa tai lask…
RT @Pro_Heinavesi: Heinävedelle kaavailtu kaivos on kohdannut laajaa vastustusta. Yleinen mielipide oli tiedotustilaisuudessa selkeä: kaivo…
RT @ddayen: Up @theintercept on today's hearing with CFPB nominee Kathy Kraninger, who persistently refused to explain what it is that she…
RT @JackieZammuto: important thread! thank you for sharing @mollycrabapple
RT @MuslimIQ: White Supremacist who demands guns in your kid’s classrooms now bans guns in his own concert hall.
More proof that the NRA p…
RT @thegoodcatboy: Ffeather ! AAHAAAGGJHHGHHG
Dr Bumbum supervillain trending
RT @theintercept: Even as consumers have grown increasingly vigilant about buying meat that is humanely processed, the inhumane conditions…
RT @BRRN_Fed: #Video Living Utopia is a unique documentary blending personal accounts of the Spanish anarchist movement and the revolution…
RT @benabyad: Only 74.5% of Israel's population are Jewish.*
Yet the new Basic Law says: "the right to exercise national self-determinatio…
RT @ForeignAffairs: If governments start to see digital authoritarianism as a viable alternative to liberal democracy, they will feel no pr…
RT @carolecadwalla: On Sunday, the Observer confirmed Cambridge Analytica’s data was accessed from Russian IP addresses. Now @DamianCollins…
RT @raevaara: Bloggasin: Tutkija meni telkkariin, toimittaja syytti valehtelusta
RT @EerolaSami: Päivä päivältä käy aika vaikeaksi kutsua Israelia "Lähi-Idän ainoaksi demokratiaksi"
RT @Randall_Stps:
RT @interneiti: #metoo :n ehkä PAHIN ongelma on se, että keskustelu pyörii glamoröösien ihmisten, kuten näyttelijöiden ympärillä, kun häiri…
RT @yaso: I just published “Artificial Intelligence and the Need for Data Fairness in the Global South”
RT @vornaskotti: Pyöräilijät hoi, älkää hei tukkiko ramppeja pysäköimällä näin. Kuvan perspektiivi ei näytä, että tuosta mahtui nipin napin…
RT @BenjaminNorton: The Knesset just passed an apartheid bill that officially defines Israel as the national homeland of solely the Jewish…
RT @zhourules: Couldn't sleep last night. I kept thinking about how the Green Ranger had a dagger that was a flute that sounded like a synt…
RT @BRRN_Fed: Modern apartheid: The state of Israel has officially recognized what has long been reality: that it is a racially based apart…
RT @mayameme: #DecolonizeTheInternet #DecolonizingtheInternet - Both are great hashtags to follow the discussions at the @WhoseKnowledge wo…
RT @SamCowie84:
RT @pixelatedboat: Zuckerberg: Oh no! Our algorithm is promoting too much holocaust denial. Bad algorithm! Bad! Show people ... 5% less hol…
RT @IAF__FAI: The #Zapatista movement rejects offers to meet with Mexico President-elect Obrador (#AMLO). "Freedom is not granted as chari…
RT @perereco: Lista de homens com os quais você não deve se envolver:
- artistas
- homens de cabelo comprido
- skatistas
- agrônomos
- h…
RT @theintercept: Chaos prevails in immigrant detention centers, with children under 5 still separated from parents…
RT @WGladstone: wow, you mean it's possible to visually depict ties between Trump and Putin without homophobic cartoons?…