Member activity : Mikko Lipiäinen
RT @veronikahonka: Paperittomuus on tulos tiukennetusta turvapaikkapolitiikasta.
Perheen isän toteamus paperittomista tiivistää kaiken ole…
RT @modacitylife: You‘ll barely notice it, but this cycle track is actually crossed by two residential side streets.
Rather than treating…
RT @KoomikkoKivi: Unkarissa demokratiaa on ajettu alas ja lehdistön toimintaa rajoitettu.
Jutellessani Halla-ahon kanssa hän sanoi, että h…
RT @juhoputkonen: Oisko jo tämän aika? #pääsiäinen #Easter
RT @gretabyrum: Subjects in a dataset used to train systems used by the intelligence community include “three EFF board members, an Al-Jaze…
SV : valtion harjoittama vaino, keskitysleirit
RT @incognitosum: That's seriously fucked
SV : rasismi, homofobia, misogynia, vihapuhe
RT @mustapipa: "Our leaders are ignoring global warming to the point of criminal negligence. It's unforgivable."
This "criminal negligence…
CW : genocide
RT @PedanticRomantc: Okay, so Ive seen that Jordan Peterson only just read The Communist Manifesto in preparation for this Zizek debate
RT @apaatti: Hei, jos asumisen hinta on Helsingissä niin korkee että lähdetään esittämään se uhkana demokratialle, kun kansanedustajilla ei…
RT @leotapio: Siis luinko juuri hesarista, miten jotkut kansanedustajat naama pokerilla valittaa, että stadissa on liian kalliit kämpät, ku…
RT @rubensvalente: Ministério do Meio Ambiente enaltece Exército em seu dia e não fala palavra sobre o Dia do Índio, guardião da biodivers…
RT @KimTallBear: doing reading to prep for media indigena recording this morning on burning of notre dame and the outsized eurocentric resp…
RT @OliverStuenkel: Brazil President Jair Bolsonaro’s son is joining Steve Bannon’s Europe-based far right-wing group as its representative…
RT @Survival: “We’ve been resisting for 518 years. We won’t stop fighting now. We’ll put all our strength together, & we’ll win”– Rosilene…
RT @dyllyp: this.
RT @Jalopnik: Elon Musk's DC to Baltimore tunnel sounds worse than pointless
RT @yleuutiset: Alle 30-vuotiaiden ja yli 70-vuotiaiden ruokavalinnat kuormittavat ympäristöä vähiten – toisessa ääripäässä keski-ikäinen h…
RT @Survival: “Is the air the President breathes different to the air we breathe?” – Reginaldo Apyawa, Brazil
Reginaldo refuses to accept…
RT @domphillips: Brazil slashes funding to scientists. So how's that going to improve education? Great story from @shannongsims https://t.c…
RT @Dinamam:
RT @aparnapkin: The only thing that should follow “i’m not racist, but...” is “I do live in a system of institutionalized racism that I abs…
weird is an overstatement but that arm needs medical care.
RT @JeroAhola: More Self-Driving Cars = More Miles Driven & More Energy Consumed
RT @funaioficial: Confira até domingo (21/04) a mostra de artesanato indígena na Feira Internacional de Artesanto (FINNAR), no Centro de C…
RT @GreenpeaceBR: Hoje, 19 de abril, Dia do Índio, é uma data para reafirmar toda a força e resistência dos povos. Vamos juntos apoiar quem…
RT @41Strange: Used Wimbledon tennis balls donated to create homes for harvest mice
(photos: David Tipling, Alamy)
RT @lupontesmolina: Ainda dá tempo de apoiar o Acampamento Terra Livre, a maior mobilização indígena do país. Ao contrário do que Bolsonaro…