Member activity : Mariana Salgado

RT @amnestyfinland: Hyviä uutisia! Parlamentti on hyväksynyt, että jatkossa abortti on laillinen myös Argentiinassa. Seuraavaksi odotamme v…
RT @inlandDesign: Great picnic session in Mustikkamaa! New perspectives on how to better serve our clients who are victims of domestic vio…
RT @verotraynor: Sabina y Serrat 😎 Me MUERO de emoción #UserResearchDay 🎊
aaahhh! esperando buenas noticias de esta votación
@verotraynor @CableFibertel más trabajo para diseñadores de servicios!
Yhteiskehittäminen vaatii välittömyyttä ja elämistä hetkessä. Intuitiivisuus ja systemaattisuus ovat yksinään helpp…
RT @inlandDesign: In this blog the author discuss: who is a service designer? We pick one: “The ability to zoom out and think in systems wh…
RT @ParsonsTransD: ''Living successfully in a world of systems requires more of us than our ability to calculate. It requires our full huma…
RT @SDNetwork: #DiagramoftheDay: Better services for the people - Successful #publicsector design initiatives must recognise that user need…
I just published “Road trip to Lappeenranta and Joutseno”
RT @gquaggiotto: Solving wicked urban problems - a handbook for experimentation platforms by @DemosHelsinki [incl a neat experiment design…
RT @KBanfi: "Hay que despenalizar el aborto y hay que despenalizar al medico. El estado debe garantizar un mecanismo seguro para las mujere…
RT @andreuchisbo: A cooperative for all your creative communal projects :
RT @inlandDesign: Communication teams from Interior Ministry, Migri, Police, Border Guards and Emergency Response centre co-design services…
sustaining an ethical design career means carefully assessing the ethicality of our clients, both before and after…
RT @inlandDesign: during this week ideation workshops in Oulu we collected great initiatives for future developments. All of them start fro…
RT @LottaHassi: Applying design thinking in non-design organisations requires a change in mindset - easier said than done. Read a summary o…
RT @inlandDesign: Today @annilepp @hellominh @juhak and @Salgado, were in a panel discussing how to bring design capabilities to the gover…
RT @inlandDesign: On Monday is the last day to apply for our Service Design position. Do you want to work with a brilliant and energetic te…
RT @miskaknapek: #hiring : Wikimedia is looking for a design researcher (for anti-harassment projects) - possible to work remotely (in amer…
RT @mbauwens: finally a list of real blockchain applications:
RT @villemeloni: Kamu-botille voi antaa palautetta että menikö vastaus putkeen vai ei. Käyttäjä voi sitä siis opettaa. Hyvä.
RT @villemeloni: Testailen chattibotteja osana #digihelsinki #tekoäly koulutusta Vuorossa Kamu-chatbot. Kertoo käsi…
una amiga encontró mi libro en la librería en Baires al lado de otros: “A quién regaló Van Goh la oreja?” y “ el ar…
Things sometimes go slowly, after 2 years I have sent a chapter for a book, it is finally published. Paradojically…
RT @mydataorg: Got questions about self-sovereign identity? Want to chat with the wonderful @apoikola? Join the webinar on Thursday! https:…
RT @JoukoSalonen: ja ehkä kannattaa mainita tekijätkin @inlandDesign @Salgado @suse_miessner
RT @inlandDesign: Big success for us: Day 1 of Migri-chatbot pilot! We've worked a lot on it in the last 9months: co-designing personality…
Today distance work from Roihuvuori’s local coffee & community space Rio. Book: SPRINT, how to solve big problems a…