Interview with Tomplex, playing live day 22.9 at 22.00 outdoors nearby Oranssi Building. At the festival you will collaborate with Random Doctors, it is a long term collaboration, can you tell us how it started and how it developed? I was making music and...
Free Lunch! Please enroll below, limited places! Day 23.9 at 13:00 at Sauna Building. Please join us for a free lunch, hosted by the Garden of Others project in the frame of Empathy as Resistance. We will harvest food for thought, graze on wild and locally...
Projection Mapping Pixelache by Krisjanis Rijnieks, Helsinki 13 September 2017 This is a short story about the software behind the Projection Mapping with the Raspberry Pi workshop. It is an interesting fact that...
Interview with Tuuli Malla and Lauri Jäntti, the artists behind Urban Hitchhiking, a projects between contemporary art and urban activism, present at the festival in the form of a free workshop day 24.9 starting from Sauna building at 14:30. Why...